Confidence and Success > Fitness/Diet

A new year a new start!!

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Right this week is the week when i finally decide that it is time to get in better shape.  The annoying thing is that only two years ago i was in great shape when I was rowing, but that has all changed. 

Current weight around 17st, Height 6ft 4. 


Monday:  Circuits 1hr
Tuesday: Badminton 1hr
Weds:  Indoor Rowing
Thursday: BAdminton/Squash
Friday: Indoor Rowing

Weekend see if i can be bothered.

I also thought i would try and answer Noner's question on another post, I may copy it onto there also but am tight on time tonight.

My girlfriend is a fitness instructor and certainly when we have worked out we always used to alternate muscle groups on each day, so we would start with legs, then biceps and chest and abs, then triceps, and back.  This meant that a) we didnt get bored and b) when we were feeling keen and exercising several days in a row that we had time for DOMS (Delayed onset of muscle soreness) to take effect and go away. 

We usually accompanied this with atleast half an hour CV, and some days only did CV for about an hour. 

The main benefit however was that workouts lasted around an hour which was a manageable time within our schedule. 

Not sure if that is any use but if you have any questions, i will try and prime her for advice. 

Sounds like a plan Argyle! 

Squash, eh?  I've played a few games of squash in my life.  I used it as a training when I competed in racquetball.

racquet ball just isnt something that has taken off over here at all


--- Quote from: Tyler on January 10, 2007, 12:42:11 PM ---I've played a few games of squash in my life.  I used it as a training when I competed in racquetball.

--- End quote ---

HHhhmmm....I used to play racquetball to train for squash  ???

Fair dues to you Argyle, I wouldn't have the motivation these days.

I used to work out like crazy, haven't done so in years.  The only sport I have played regularly in years is handball (kinda like squash/racketball but without the racket) which makes you work like hell but never seemed to get me fit.


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