Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Trimming Your Head/Hair

Not sure what to do with this thinning hair

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RC The Uncola:
what do you guys think.   it looks allright sometimes but sometimes uh noso alright
i cant seem to add more images to this post

Hi and welcome NotBaldYet.

Balding and thinning is never an easy thing to deal with.  Your biggest challenge is to decide what you want to do.  Most of us here shave completely, some with a regular razor or headblade, some with an electric or clippers.

One good thing about a complete shave... you never have a "not so good" day!

Read through the topics and enjoy!


--- Quote from: NotBaldYet on January 02, 2007, 11:26:10 AM ---i cant seem to add more images to this post

--- End quote ---

You can click on Addtional Options when posting.  This will give you the ability to add more pics.  Or you can use the IMG tags if you have the pic hosted somewhere.

As for your hair.  It really does depend on what you feel most comfortable with.  If you're tired of playing the cover up game, then shaving with either clippers or a razor is the best way to go.

Whatever you do don't try and hide it, in my opinion that always makes it look worse and you might even feel more self conscious then. 

Pre-emptive strike: My advice would be to shave it off, maybe just down to a number 2!  Worse case scenario you don't like it, it will grow back.

Your pic looks OK. Whenever I had my picture taken, you could definately tell that I had little up top. That is how I made the decision to get rid of it. Of course with the help of the guys at SBG.

Welcome to the neighborhood.


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