Hey you'll never have to wake up in the mournig and say I just can't do anything with my hair today? Go for it and give your head a fresh scaping.
First, long hair on a balding head is just no good.
he looked like a bowling ball wearing a hula skirt
he looked like a bowling ball wearing a hula skirt,
I always referr to that as the "Ben Franklin". I threaten my wife with it from time to time (jokingly of course).
I'd add to all the positive things the other guys have said: just consider the alternatives! Have you ever appreciated the horror of a "system," the cost of the thing, the smell of the thing, the dishonesty of the thing??? Further, have you my balding young friend, ever seen the scalp of a man who has had a plug-job and then a "correction" and then realized the whole pretense will have to stop? Much better a scarless perfectly "clean" scalp than one disfigured by wrong-headed attempts to hide what Mother Nature has inexorably decreed. It may come as a surprise to a balding young man, desperately trying to hold on to a fading self-image, that there are many people who are bald by choice and actually prefer the aesthetics of the shaven dome. Perhaps it is only my philosophy, but a man should face and embrace the thing he fears to get comfortable with himself. Otherwise fear rules you, and that's no way to live. Most bald/balding guys have at least one male relative, usually the maternal grandfather, who has been bald and loved for decades. Try to identify with him. My beloved father surrogate, a retired bishop, has been bald most of his adult life; I cannot imagine his wearing a piece or fretting about what is perfectly practical and natural. It's your face, and the expression you put on it, that really counts. Even the boomers are finding that adolescent vanity cannot go on for ever. All best, Professor Melon