Ironically I had thought about it almost 20 years ago when I moved out on my own and was like "this is the reboot of life." I didn't do it then, I think I chickened out.My brother started about 11 years ago and never looked back. Our mom doesn't care for it but he doesn't live nearby so when he comes back she's grown to "accept it."Now I finally bit the bullet. My hair has been thinning all over the top and I had it buzzed fairly short but last Saturday I made the plunge (I had done it once before but let it grow back) and just sat down with shaving cream and razor. I figured enough was enough. I am going to a family function next week (not a lot of family left but I guess it will be a topic of conversation). I got great advice from you slys (and slyette's) and well, I made the plunge. I love it. The scalp needs some color now, but I've got a bit of shiine on top, probably from the melon being so thin for so long. It's nice when the rest of the scalp is as smooth as the parts that are missing!Thanks for all that share their ideas and thoughts with the rest of us!-gary-
I believe generally in this one thing: If someone has the wish to shave and be bald - how can this person be happy without shaving bald? There will always be unhappiness and restlessness until he is fulfilling that wish. Best way is: If that wish comes up - do not think, do not hesitate, do not waste time. Just go on that very day and buy the proper razor and shave - o n t h a t v e r y d a y ! Do never "bargain time" or find excuses like "that and that person may not like it", never be softy, it will only ruin your self-esteem and break your pride and weaken who you really are. The wish comes up for a good reason: You have come to realize that a man should be bald and that having hair is wrong. Nothing can send you back into old numb ignorance, once you have realized this. It is good to be bald. It is man's nature. This is why we are all so very attracted to a clean, manly shiny dome.This is also the reason, why, once you have e x p e r i e n c e d your own smooth shiny dome, you feel so much happier and content. Just about everybody here is a proof for that. Bald life is just so much better! The faster you decide to follow that law of nature, the faster you become bald, the faster your better, bald life can manifest. Stop lingering with old bad habits, make them past now. Let go of your hair and let go of your old problems. Do not wait and waste time, life is too precious for that. Shave your head bald - life is happening NOW!I hope these words can be of help.Good luckMax
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