Author Topic: If you could give any advice to someone who is balding or thinking of shaving...  (Read 234680 times)

Offline flattop peterbilt

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well you could buy a wig .. $ 4 to 5 hundred dollars
you could get hair implants...thousands of dollars
you could buy rogain or other products ..more money
shave it of and go sly (priceless)
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Offline Tyler

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well you could buy a wig .. $ 4 to 5 hundred dollars
you could get hair implants...thousands of dollars
you could buy rogain or other products ..more money
shave it of and go sly (priceless)

Nice!!  I like that!  We may have to use that on a shirt down the road.
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Offline PigPen

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well you could buy a wig .. $ 4 to 5 hundred dollars
you could get hair implants...thousands of dollars
you could buy rogain or other products ..more money
shave it of and go sly (priceless)

^ I love it!!! ^
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Offline Christian

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As all others said ... I would shave it.
I am even not balding and shaving my head. ;)

Few hair on the head almost look rediculous but shaving the head shows self-confidence and most men look really good when they are bald!

Offline schro

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As all others said ... I would shave it.
I am even not balding and shaving my head. ;)

Few hair on the head almost look rediculous but shaving the head shows self-confidence and most men look really good when they are bald!

Yeah, I look great. Just ask me.

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Offline Paul

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Do it!  Be a stand out.  Besides you getter better mileage on your bike!
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Offline Robmeister

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...Besides you getter better mileage on your bike!

hahahahaha....good one, Paul  ;D :*))

Offline Razorhead

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  • Shave off that mess!
A good buddy of mine was balding big time on top. he just ignored his thinning hair and let it grow into a big mess.

We were leaving a bar one night and his scalp was really shining through his thinning mess of hair as he walked by a lit lamppost. I told him he had a bozo clown effect going. At that point it kinda sunk in that he was losing it. Eventually he agreed to let me buzz his hair after seeing me with my shaved head. I took the clippers and took it down really short. By my surprise, he agreed to let me shave his head.  He thought it was hillarious. (maybe it was the beer??)

He didn't keep it. He grew his hair back out a bit and decided to keep a very tight buzzcut. But at least he experienced a shaved head, had a good bonding moment. But most importantly, he finally embraced his baldness and keeps it short and neat. He looks a lot better with it short.

I'm still working on another buddy of mine! I think I'll have him convinced by summer.

Good times! And keep it sly.

Offline ar3inc

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Great story, Razorhead!  You definitely helped acknowledge the problem which allowed him a effective solution. Good job! O0
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Offline marshd1000

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Like all the others, I would say that shaving your head should be tried at least once if you are a balding man.  Two of my best friends were already extremely naturally bald. It took a while to convince one of them.  The other moved out of state and I don't know if I really convinced him.  But both have kept the look.  And they look so much better.  My friend Ted, says that he will never go back to having hair.  As for myself, my hair is more of the receeding in front and thinning in the back type of hair loss.  But what convinced me was when I grew my hair back one time and a co-worker pointed the growing clearing in the back.  Bald is so much better than thinning!

Offline half-shaved

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Please, understand that I am a newbie here and still working my way around the boards, but I have yet to hear anyone mention the other main reason to save it...

No more gray hairs!!

Unless you have facial hair...I can see mine is gonna hafta go here in the next year or so.

Offline Robmeister

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Please, understand that I am a newbie here and still working my way around the boards, but I have yet to hear anyone mention the other main reason to save it...

No more gray hairs!!

Unless you have facial hair...I can see mine is gonna hafta go here in the next year or so.

Halfmeister!......first of all...welcome to slyguys!!

I am enjoying the NO MORE GRAY HAIRS aspect

Have quite a bit in my goatee...I've been meaning to try the JUST FOR MEN to mitigate that.

Offline Paul

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Welcome half-shaved.  Glad you're with us.  Know what you about those grey ones.  Robmeister, already using the Just For Men for beard.  Does a pretty good job depending on how fast your hair grows. Looks natural and a little goes a long way.     But back to the original questions, about what advise, obvious one is check out this site.  That should be all the advise they need.
"...and I--I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  Robert Frost

Offline Robmeister

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Robmeister, already using the Just For Men for beard.  Does a pretty good job depending on how fast your hair grows. Looks natural and a little goes a long way.

Thanks for the report, Paul!!! O0

Offline ar3inc

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to hide my gray is the main reason I continued to shave my head when I first started it years ago.
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