Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving
How to use the HeadBlade
Very good instructions!! Blades need no pressure!
And you will be better and better with some experience.
--- Quote from: Marz on January 28, 2008, 06:14:34 PM ---You forgot the part about hopping on one foot and barking like a dog at your reflection in the mirror before you start.... you guys do that too right?
--- End quote ---
Sure Marz, whatever helps ya sleep at night.
Personally, I do the Hokey Pokey and turn myself about, cause, that's what it's all about....isn't it?
Great tips Tyler. After a month of shaving I'm still going between the mach3 and headblade razors... although mostly use the mach3. I pulled the headblade out again yesterday and literally sliced straight into my scalp. No jokes either... my mum came over today and could not believe I had hacked it so badly shaving. And why?... all because I was rushing it.
KEEP PRESSURE ON THE BLADE and GO SLOW... DO NOT RUSH. For your own safety people!!!
And then once you have mastered it... you can do the hokey pokey. O0
I'm yet to shave my head, but it seems kind of scary. How come I am fearless when it comes to shaving my face, but when it comes to maybe slicing my head, I am freaked out?
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