I just started using the HeadBlade sport probably about 3 weeks ago. The atras did a number on me!! Im not sure I'll be using them until I get more comfortable. On the other hand the sensor excel blades are awsome!!
I'm sorry bros, I hate the HB. I've tried it numerous times and it just doesn't cut it for me. I prefer the Mach3 - I've tried Quattro and Fusion, but Mach3 does the best for me. I salute those of you that love your HB but I got so tired of fooling with it I gave mine to Timmmmmmay.
I'm with KollegeKreed on this one. I too, own, and have tried the HeadBlade, but it's just not for me. Works great for the top of my head, but once I get to the sides and back, it just ain't cuttin' the mustard. I'm sticking with my Mach 3. I go against the grain all over. I guess it's easier on top, since my hair was leaving me anyhow, but the ears....yeah, that's a real pain in the ass. I aim for perfection all over. True that most people aren't going to know if you're 100% smooth just above the ear, ect, but i'll do the "headrub" and realize that it's rough, and it will throw me off. But, like Timmy said, everyone is different. It doesn't matter HOW you get there, it's THAT you get there.