Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving

Straight Razor or Electric?

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I accidently broke one of the blades on my electric razor this weekend.  Since I did that, I had to shave with my straight razor this morning.  It went well; I had only one nick.  I did get a closer shave than I do with my electric.  I'm wondering how it will compare when I get new blades.

Bald Medic:
Actually I shave everyday with a electric to trim the hair as close as I can the shave in the shower with a fuzion

I was going to start another topice but this is already here.

I have to admit it to everyone one, I am bi.

Yes I'm bi.

I use both an electric and a straight razor.

I have to shave my face everyday for work and if I shave around my neck with a blade, it gets all irritated no matter what kind of shaving cream or gel I use.

So I actually shave my face about 3-4 times a week with an electric and then I do the whole head and face with the razor for the rest of the week.

Does anyone else do this?

LOL @ Noner!!

I have to shave my entire neck and my head, besides the gote, but no, not electric and straight in a setting... wierdo Noner... lol   J/K    :P


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