Author Topic: 22, Balding, and need some advice  (Read 10854 times)

Offline froze

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #30 on: December 11, 2007, 08:50:06 AM »
I married also but it doesn't bother my wife at all!
My co-workers didn't say to much, besides that I hear people talking about the guys that walk around with the comb over us sly guys!

Quality of life is great! More confidence!

Offline blondeguy

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2007, 10:42:11 PM »
The best part of shaving your head is when you finally do it and realize it wasn't as big a deal as you thought it was.

Offline Giantsly

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2007, 05:49:13 AM »
Hey guy, I'll get right to answering your questions:

1. Was it harder to meet new women then when you had hair? Does it improve your chances or decline it?

The personal answer is that I've had the best girlfriends (best looking, nicest, etc) when I went shorter. I once told a hairstylist I wanted a "1 guard" without knowing what that was. I've a big ol' watermelon head and it irked me something fierce. Two weeks later I was dating a gal that was amazing, and 6' to boot (I'm 6'8'').

Does it improve your chances? Honestly, some women don't like bald guys. Some do. Some like guys that wear Gap. Others like Hot Topic. So some women just won't like that you're bald. Some won't care. The kind of women I date usually cared more about my perspective. I lost TONS of great women because of my own insecurities. Not to generalize, but the women I've dated were attracted to confidence. And I come off as extremely confident. All women are different, of course, and by all means equal to men, but they're generally more forgiving about asthetics if the guy is happy with his appearance.

2. Does your work life suffer. (Maybe i should do something like Security, Police Army ) 'm newly sly, but I can tell you that being 6'8'' opens major doors for me. And being focused does as well. Vanity, insecurity, instability, all going to cost you in the professional world. For the most part, if you're happy with yourself then you're focused on other things. And it shows. Trust me there.

3. Do your friends perceive you differently
Those who have seen me couldn't care less. They made cracks, but I have my own arsenal. One wanted to rub my head for good luck (female, so I didn't mind really). I think the change is surprising, and they may make hair jokes down the road, but of my friends, I'm the most successful and the only one not married. Friends give each other sh*t no matter what. If they turn on you because of your dome, you're better off without them. What is this, Zoolander?

4. Does your quality of your life decline.

Only been a day, but quality of life is all perspective. I'm happier sly, and I'm not likely to attribute everything to my hair. I don't think about it as much. It's a surprise to run my hand over my shaven head, but what's the biggest fear of a balding person? Further balding? No. It's being noticed as balding. Hell I'm bald. Whatcha gonna do about it? So I have more time, I don't care if someone walks behind me and sees my crown, I don't care. I'm good to go.

You have the answers man. And you seem to be ready for it. The jokes are good, but only as long as you're laughing at them and not nervously chuckling about the insecurities they deflect. If you're thinning badly then you're part-sly. Go the full monty and give it a try. What you hair you have will come back. Of course, the choice is yours. And  what matters is that you're happy and confident with who you are. Hair is just one part of that. So...make your choice and roll with it. Hell there's always hair club, right?


Offline joergHH

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2007, 10:42:43 AM »
Very good post, GS!



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