Author Topic: What are the phases of going bald?  (Read 2327 times)

Offline steveo

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What are the phases of going bald?
« on: December 06, 2007, 05:43:32 PM »
here are my thoughts that I have been working on. What are yours?
> #1-"Is it happening, nah". This is when you start seeing little
>patches appear or it's thinning just a little bit. You see them but
>nobody else does. You find yourself looking in the mirror a lot more
>often to see if you can see something happening.
>#2- "Whoa, who's hair is that down around the drain in the shower". You
>start to realize that isn't just a few hairs here and there. You start
>to think about how often you shampoo your hair, and maybe if I use baby
shampoo less hair will fall out.
>#3- Your significant other, girlfriend or one of your closest buddies
>What's happening to your hair, did you know there's a patch at the back
>of your head" Or  "Wow you forehead  is really starting to grow", or "
>Are those highways that are starting to go back along the side of your head".
>It's now a reality and it seems like everyone is talking about it. Now
>the mirror is your enemy, and you never look down at the drain in the shower.
>#4- You are in denial. It's comb over time or comb back time. You let
>you hair grow longer. You start thinking seriously about hair growth
>products, or transplants.What about toupees.  The inevitable is going
>to happen but you are fighting it with every fiber of your being. You
>are sure your love life, business future, and the whole rest of your life
and going to down the
drain with that hair. You are looking at every other guy losing his hair and
>trying to see if he has the solution. It's the time when you are the
>resident expert at picking out guys who have done something about it
>and you are building up the courage to go ask them if it works.
>#5- "I give up"- You're resolved. It's happened and I can't deny it
>You are starting to look for all the good rationalizations about the
>advantages of begin bald. You start cutting your hair short. You start
using lines like, " He looks pretty good with short hair, doesn't he" or
>"It's becoming the in thing to cut your hair really short". You are
>seeking acknowledgment to what you have already accepted.
>#6- It's better bald. Now you start getting compliments about your
>shaved head and how it makes you look years younger. Women start
>rubbing their hands across you head and saying "its so smooth". You
>realize that there a whole new world out there, and I am going for it.


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Re: What are the phases of going bald?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 05:54:45 PM »
sounds about right to me...... you look like you have a full head of hair wildboyz though, tell Chris P. I said hello.  :*))

Offline Stu

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Re: What are the phases of going bald?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2007, 06:25:17 PM »
Sounds about right, although I never had the 'my life is over' part.  I didn't like it one bit, but I guess I was grounded enough not to go there.  Thanks for sharing; I'm sure the lurkers or fence sitters will find some common ground with what you have said.
How is that Hopey / Changey thing working for you?