Author Topic: the word "bald"  (Read 10361 times)

Offline Professor Melon

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the word "bald"
« on: November 28, 2006, 08:57:14 AM »
 :D Ahoy, mates! We use it all the time, but have you ever noticed that the word "bald" has both negative and positive power. To the unbald and thinning, it poses a terrifying threat and cause for alarm. To the bald [either by nature or choice], especially the long-time bald, it connotes self-acceptance, forthrightness, and friendship. Bosley, HCM, and all the other hair-restoration scams exploit  the word mercilessly to garner business. SBG and other members of the bald community use it to suggest shared experience and affirmation in a culture that has conditioned us to believe that a perfectly natural and ubiquitous "condition" or "loss" must be fought at all cost. In my recent visit to the reopened National Portrait Gallery, in DC, I saw some magnificent, "painterly" portraits of the American presidents from Washington to Clinton. The one that most sticks in my mind is that of Dwight David Eisenhower. The artist depicted him straight on, without an attempt to disguise his prominent chrome dome. The effect is that the viewer is invited to appreciate his facial features and expression, and to read his character. It is the most intimate picture in the gallery. For those new members teetering on the brink of shaving it all off, consider that the negative power of the word "bald" is not a true reflection on being bald, but a commercial manipulation designed to rob you of your money and capacity to face reality. The aesthetics of the face, not the hair or hairlessness above it, renders one attractive or otherwise. Do you agree, mates? Professor Melon

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 10:47:33 AM »
To the unbald and thinning, it poses a terrifying threat and cause for alarm. To the bald [either by nature or choice], especially the long-time bald, it connotes self-acceptance, forthrightness, and friendship. Bosley, HCM, and all the other hair-restoration scams exploit  the word mercilessly to garner business. SBG and other members of the bald community use it to suggest shared experience and affirmation in a culture that has conditioned us to believe that a perfectly natural and ubiquitous "condition" or "loss" must be fought at all cost. For those new members teetering on the brink of shaving it all off, consider that the negative power of the word "bald" is not a true reflection on being bald, but a commercial manipulation designed to rob you of your money and capacity to face reality.

Once again, you delve in the psychological collective that is the bald-headed man. Instead of agreeing or disagreeing with your question, allow me to expound on your hypothesis, by providing a social commentary on the world “bald”

In the past, the world “bald” was associated more with aging than with the actual development of hair loss. When we were children and were describing a person with no hair, we would say some “bald” guy. Being children, everyone was older than we were, so we all understood that “bald” was something that happened to older people. Therefore, we equated the word “bald” with “old” and used the two interchangeably. The world “bald” therefore started to pick up negative connotations such as elderly, weak and frail.

As the children of 30 or 40 years ago grew up, they kept the negative association of the word bald. Bald was something that happened to a weak, old guy and it was feared that if one were to become bald, they would cease to be “young.” Translating that socially meant that an individual who went bald was no longer cool and did not have the authority nor strength of someone who had hair.

When I stated shaving my head in 1997 I still felt the social pressures of the world “bald.”  I made it a point to tell everyone that I had a “shaved head” instead of a bald head. I even corrected women on dates that called me bald to remind them that I shaved my head.  So why did I do this?

Bald = weak and out one’s of control
Shaved head = strong by voluntarily choosing to have no hair

Until about the year 2000 the word “bald” still had a negative meaning but then something magical happened. (Well not really but it was great for us)

The military crew cut, which had been so popular, evolved into completely shaving the head. With that, many celebrities, including those who had hair, started to shave it off to be fashionable.

With a slew of media attention, the world “bald” finally started to loose the connotation that a person who has no hair is weak or old or not cool.

That my friends was our liberation!

But my friends, we still have many who adhere to the old ways and we must bring them out of the past and into the future. Those are the ones who want hair restoration. Those are the ones who wear the comb-over. Those are the ones who still think that being “bald” is something bad.


« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 11:05:36 AM by Noner »

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 10:49:07 AM »
You and I should write a book.

But not today, I've used up all of my 5 dollar words. I'm back to the quarter words.


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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 12:16:33 PM »
Bravo guys!  Those are two great articles on "bald."

When I look at the big picture and ask myself, "What do I want to accomplish with Sly Bald Guys?"  The answer is to change the overall perception of what "bald" means.  I know that Sly Bald Guys didn't intitiate that change, as Noner mentioned it already started happening in 2000.  Though, I would love for this site and all the guys here to help propel that change in thought.  That's one of the reasons that I've tried to target this site more to the 20 to 35 year old crowd.  I think it's much easier to change the thought in that group than with the 36+ crowd.  I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's easier.  This group is also the group that is moving their way of the corporate ladders in the media, advertising, and film industries that will define how the younger generations think about different things, such as being bald.

If any of you have read the Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell, you know that there's a progression to how things become main stream.  There needs to be people that are connected (or know a bunch of people), that are mavens (early adopters), and salespeople (willing to sell others on the idea).  Then, the idea has to be sticky (people will want to continue the idea for some time).  I believe that we have already started and moved fairly far into that progression here at Sly Bald Guys.  Some of us are early adopters, some of us have a ton of connections, and some of us are out spreading the word that "bald" is a good thing.  I see myself as someone who is connected and a salesperson, doing what I can to actively convince guys they should shave their heads or embrace their baldness instead of the comb-over, transplants, or drugs.  Others here may be mavens and connectors, but not out actively selling people on the idea.  That's ok also because just by wearing the look they are selling on a passive level.  Even the guys here that are just wearing the look and don't know many people have a very important role, they build up the numbers!  With more people shaving their heads, people will see this more often and the idea will become sticky, especially in young people.  If they get to a point later on in life that they are balding and want to know what to do about it, the decision will be easier for them to embrace their baldness.

How long will this take?  Who knows, but the sooner the better in my book.

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Offline Professor Melon

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 01:06:16 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D Great posts, Tyler and Noner, on the "b" word. If we come across as dynamic, straight-on, caring, and sophisticated, how can baldness not become sticky? I am prepared to do my bit when I return to full-time teaching in January. I never thought of the missionary aspect of choosing baldness. If it can spare one wretched young man from self-contempt, scarring surgeries, and squandering of dollars, then I am all for it. It is amazing what a dozen bald celebrities, athletes, corporate execs, leaders, and actors can do to change a perception. Tyler, you're right: it's the under 35 cohort who need to hear  the message. If they do, the hair restoration industry might well go out of business. One could then gladly want to be like dad, or granddad or any other loved bald man without fear of violating conventional ideas of handsomeness. We need a proud bald president, Tyler. Professor Melon
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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2007, 08:00:02 PM »
Bald and how you perceive it is an attitude.  Most of us here have decided that bald is a good thing, but many 'out there' look only at the loss not the gain.  Is the glass half full or half empty?  Bald is a state of becoming, are you ever really there?  Does it matter?  Where is your self worth?  Internal or externally derived?

For me I perceive bald is a positive state in my reality  And probably most reading this do the same.  I like being real above the synthetic choices.

Thanks for my tirade.


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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2007, 06:57:34 AM »
I like your stand on this one Bob. I couldn't agree more with you. For me personally, I don't really care about anyone else's two cents when it comes to my slyness. I like who I am and the way I look, anybody else who doesn't should get used to it or be movin on. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I used to have on a truck "Freedom of expression: If you don't like it, don't look"
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Offline PBurke

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2007, 08:21:19 AM »
yeah, what yall said. no really. i enjoyed the articles. if someone doesn't like my bald/shaved head they can kis my......look the other way.

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Offline Vash

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2007, 03:51:14 PM »
Bravo guys!  Those are two great articles on "bald."

When I look at the big picture and ask myself, "What do I want to accomplish with Sly Bald Guys?"  The answer is to change the overall perception of what "bald" means.

Has anyone gone and looked at the Wikipedia definiton for "Bald"? There isn't an entry, just a redirect to the  "Baldness". And almost ALL that talks about is androgenic alopecia or 'male pattern baldness'.

The entry is broken down into several sub-catagories incuding Etymology which tells us:
"The term bald derives from the English word balde, which means "Good looking or handsome", or Celtic ball, which means "white patch or blaze", such as on a horse's head."

funnily enough the shortest sub-catagory is called "Embracing Baldness", which is considerably shorter than the "Preventing/Reversing Hairloss" or "Concealing Hairloss" sections.

You might want to check it out, and maybe even do some editing... that's what Wikipedia is for.

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2007, 10:15:53 PM »
You might want to check it out, and maybe even do some editing... that's what Wikipedia is for.

I wrote a whole section on embracing baldness and they ended up deleting it. I'm not sure why, I thought it was well writeen.  I've seen quite a few people get their stuff deleted off the baldness section.  I'm not sure who moderates it, but I think they might be a bit biased.
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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 02:57:19 PM »
Must be the president of HCM
In a bacon and eggs breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. BE THE PIG!!!


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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 03:02:10 PM »
Must be the president of HCM

I went on a few dates with a girl that used to work for Hair Club...  She said that it looked kind of ok, but did some serious damage to the skin underneath the mat and glue!

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 03:56:33 PM »
Must be the president of HCM

 :D That's funny....very keeping with SLYNESS

Offline ShavedDave

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2007, 05:32:37 PM »
yeah, what yall said. no really. i enjoyed the articles. if someone doesn't like my bald/shaved head they can kis my......look the other way.

I agree 100%
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Offline PigPen

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Re: the word "bald"
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2007, 08:12:53 AM »
Welcome ShavedDave! You wear the SLY look well
In a bacon and eggs breakfast, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. BE THE PIG!!!


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