Author Topic: 22, Balding, and need some advice  (Read 10897 times)

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2007, 10:51:05 PM »
Dimiakira, these guys have given you great advice adn there isn't much that I can add.  Welcome to Sly Bald Guys!  We're here for any more questions that you have.
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Offline David

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 11:26:05 PM »
My advice is simple: do what makes YOU happy, not what makes society happy as long as it's within the rules.   If you believe in yourself others won't care that you don't have hair, but if you act like it's a curse, then you will get the lack of interest from others.     

Also as far as work goes, if a company is so shallow to determine hiring practices on the basis of having hair or no hair, that's not a company worth your time.   
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Offline JDog

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2007, 02:21:51 AM »
Dimiakira, I dont think there is much I can add that hasnt been said.

The hardest part will most likely be the actual act of shaving your head for the first time. It takes practice to get it down to an art but the QoL that you will experience from it will be worth everything.

I promise you that you will wonder why you fretted and worried about anything in the first place.

Welcome to the forum, let us know your progress O0

Offline Glenr

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2007, 02:45:52 AM »
All you need to remember is if you don't like it. It will grow back. Take a week or two off work if you are worried. By the time you went back it would have grown back a bit.


It is very very liberating to shave your head. You will probably find your confidence will grow.

You will get comments at first.. Some may be derogatory.  It is simply a persons reaction to the shock of the change and if you show that it is not a phase people will stop very quickly.

After a while everyone forgets that your even had hair and that then becomes the norm.

Make sure you get a tan asap but only go in the sun for very short periods at first.

At first don't shave just before going out because you will probably cut yourself and it bleeds for ages.

Most important is to hold your head high and show you are happy with yourself and your new look.

Offline shyslyguy

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2007, 03:03:46 AM »
Welcome Dimiakira,

I think you'd rock the sly look. Give it a try!  O0
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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2007, 03:10:25 AM »
Hi and Welcome to the Site!

I dont know if there is anything else i can add except that we are very close in age (20/22) and I went through the same feelings as you did. If you read my first few concerns, I was also really concerned about dating, job, what people think, etc.

So to sum up my experience: the first few weeks are the hardest. you have second doubts. you start thinking why the hell did you ever do this. you hear some people say they dont like it. that all comes with the process. than after about two weeks it starts to grow on you (excuse the pun). after you put some color onto your sly noggin you start to really enjoy it.
The girls dig it. not all. For me it has been a great great ice breaker. Some make fun of it nonstop. so what you gotta do it make fun of it along with them. eventually you realize that in truth they like it but they really dont want to say that. Its such a difference for many people that they just dont want to admit the fact that they dig it.
About work: I cant really give my experiences in work but i can give you my experiences at the university level and assistanship level. It has made absolutly no difference as to how people talk to me. The older people give weird looks every now and than but I think that they have their own problems. I have never had a derogotary term come from either the people i assistant for or my professors. In fact, for one professor, he said he remembered my name purely on the fact that he remembered my bald head.

Anyways i rambled on but i hope I added on to what the others said.

Most importantly do what feels right and when it feels right. Dont get bullied into doing it or not doing it.
Its a huge change. you'll know when your ready if your ready.

Let us know what happens!

and once again WELCOME!

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2007, 10:08:19 PM »
Not much I can add that everyone else here has said, but welcome to the brotherhood. O0

Like Jdog said it'll take a little bit to get the hang of it but once you do and it becomes part of your life the first words out your mouth are going to be "Why the heck did it take me so long to do this"

I was a long hair for ever and when I started getting the MPB I was like if I can't have it all then I don't want any hair, I'm not gonna half a$$ it and look like I'm trying to hide something.

Go for it brother O0

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2007, 02:19:26 AM »
Welcome Dimiakira,

You wil look good with a shaved head.
If you shaved your head show us a pic so we can give some comments.
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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2007, 04:05:37 PM »
Welcome Dimiakira!  You've been given some great advice already, so I'll just add on to Jdog's response in that it does take some time to get used to it, but if you gradually buzz it down over a period of several weeks, then it won't be such a shock to you, your family, or friends once you do go sly.  It truly is a liberating experience though and most of my bros on here have never been happier once they do it.  You're the only one that can decide if you want to take the plunge or not and believe me, we're not gonna "bully you into it" but we will encourage you, so keep us posted and feel free to ask any questions you might have.

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2007, 01:16:24 PM »
Welcome Dimiakira, good to have you here.
I am going to echo what all the other bro's have covered so well.   O0

I will only add this; on all your questions, do you think by shaving your head it's going to change who you are inside and have been all along? I truly doubt it.
But I do know it will improve on all of it. Give it that shot and you will see.
Take your time shaving and use our 30 day recommendation.
I think you'll know before the time period is up though, and you will find yourself saying;
"why didn't I do this sooner".
Keep us posted on how it goes.   


Offline Timmay

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2007, 01:20:34 PM »
SHAVE IT....or you will look like my

Offline Lucky

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2007, 03:30:43 PM »
I started to loose my hair at 15.  I tried the combing the hair forward and waxing the heck out of it to make it look "cool".  I then realized that it really did not look good or work.  I started with getting my hair cut at the #2 setting on the razor and then no guard.  Then I said screw it I am taking it all off.  Sure the first day at work is kinda weird and I still get the jokes and will always because thats just the people that I work with and they know I can take the joke and give it back.

I really had no self confidence.  I was not shy or nothing but I for sure was not the best pick for anything.  I had no confidence so no one had any in me.  Once I took the headblade and shaved clean there was a 100% increase in confidence.  Maybe a little to much because now I even think I get a little cocky at times.  The ladies notice that is for sure.  I walk with my head higher then before and I am not afraid to show the shine.  People notice that you walk a bit differently.  You have an extra bounce in your step.

Well anyway it sure made me feel way better about myself.

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2007, 06:34:35 PM »

1. Was it harder to meet new women then when you had hair? Does it improve your chances or decline it? Or it doesn't matter

2. Does your work life suffer. (Maybe i should do something like Security, Police Army ) LOL

3. Do your friends perceive you differently

4. Does your quality of your life decline.

1. Yes and no. I've found that there are woman who are just not into shaved heads, on the upside though there are others who go crazy over it. Personally, shaving the dome boosted the confedince level and because of that the woman became more attracted to me.

2. Work life was about the same if not better. I guess a job like police or security would be improved, but I work in healthcare so the only difference is that the old men can relate to me a bit better. The people who go for surgery of their brains usually have to be shaved also, which makes most a little uncomfortable, but upon seeing me I can tell they feel a little more comfortable with the look.

3. Most of your friends will like it and admit it, or will give you sh*t about it because they are jealous they don't have the balls to shave their heads.

4. My quality of life has declined in this one aspect: when I lay on my leather couch my head sticks to it.

Hope this helps you with your decision man. I had stared balding at 20 myself, now 23 also. It's rough, but there is more to life than hair.
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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2007, 03:40:29 PM »
You speak the truth Meathead!

Offline Stu

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Re: 22, Balding, and need some advice
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2007, 04:12:36 PM »
4. Does your quality of your life decline.
4. My quality of life has declined in this one aspect: when I lay on my leather couch my head sticks to it.

Boy, that sucks; you'd better go back to the balding look.   :*))
For me, I just leave grease marks; I don't stick.
How is that Hopey / Changey thing working for you?