Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving Product Reviews



Professor Melon:
 :-[ Ahoy, mates. Know anything about a product called Dezarus?On another site I caught some claims that it's supposed to produce the ultimate shine. Professor Melon

I have not heard of this product and couldn't find anything on it when I Googled it.  Do you have a link to it?

Professor Melon:
 :-\Tyler: I found the reference to Dezarus somewhere on the Headshavers.org  (?) website, probably under products. Thanks for searching. Melon

Professor Melon:
 :)  Tyler: Dezarus appears to be a trading company, selling diverse merchandise, including an extensive line of men's products and shaving equipment [great prices on razors and blades]. Their e-address is: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=dezarus  Hope this clears up the mystery. Professor Melon


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