Discussions About Being Bald > To be or not be...Bald

First Laser Session Tuesday - Really scared!

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See?  It?s is not unbearable.  I had my back, shoulders etc. lasered years ago and each session was easier and easier.

as someone who has done it, I would say that of you want to be bald forever go ahead!!

Laser Man:

--- Quote from: Josh-Mtl on April 09, 2024, 01:03:37 PM ---I did it! Painful but bearable. And I feel very happy about it.
I'll make a post in a couple weeks when you can see the before-after difference.
Thank you so much for your support, all of you, it made a difference for me.

--- End quote ---

Glad you took the chance! Did you use a numbing cream before the treatment?  I did for the first few, then found I didn't need to as the amount of dark hair diminished.

Hope you are happy with the results.

I used numbing cream and so glad I did. Nothing happened for 2 weeks except growth slowed to a crawl. Then I started losing lots of hair right at the 2 week mark -- virtually all the top and the front part of the sides. Strangely enough even though after it fell I could still see a faint gray shadow of where the hair had been,  in the fallen patches. Maybe future sessions will even it out. There's still a lot of dark hair at the back and the back half of the sides. I shave MUCH less and have much less irritation even after one session.
Unlike my conflicted feelings before, as soon as I'd done it I was so glad. Happy I had the guts to go through with it. I didn't have any regrets when I saw it falling out, I was just excited to watch the process. It's already simplified my morning routine and feeling and looking smoother. I hope the laser can catch the fine hairs left though and take care of the traces of shadow. I'll make a post when my treatment is further advanced. Thanks again for your support everybody.

I had six sessions of laser hair removal and it eliminated 99% of my dark hair.  About a month ago, I started using a hair growth inhibitor called Completely Bare Don?t Grow There.  It works good and has slowed up my hair growth quite a bit and has eliminated growth altogether in some areas.  It has a pleasant scent and costs $11 online direct from the company. 


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