Discussions About Being Bald > To be or not be...Bald

First Laser Session Tuesday - Really scared!

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The title says it all. I'm booked to do my first session of laser hair removal this Tuesday. This is the third time I've booked to start and the first time I chickened out and cancelled by phone. The second time I did a patch test but didn't do the session. And this time I'm bringing a friend to support me.

I like the bald look and am 100% sure I will be bald forever. And I want to be more bald than what I am and avoid shaving time. Whenever I book it the desire to do it outweighs the fear but but when the appointment comes up I get so scared because it's a huge visible body modification. It's some mixture of

- fear of being overly shiny, bizarre or freakish afterward.
- fear of being patchy for months
- fear of being left with a stubborn patch they can't remove

Finally I have my partner on board with it, so it's just my own fear at this point. Am I really ready for it?

I really could use some supportive comments.  Thanks so much guys.

Go ahead!!!let be a happy bald man forefer. I'll do that too

If you are 100% sure that you want to be bald forever, then you should go for the laser hair removal on your head. From what I have seen on YouTube, when it is done right, it is a completely smooth, clean, shadowless, bald head. I think it is quite a clean, masculine, and bold look.

That said, if you are even slightly hesitant, I think it is better to err on the side of caution and just keep shaving your head.

May I ask what other reasons (besides reducing shaving time and liking the bald look) that you want to go for the laser hair removal, given the questions and points you listed? When you see the successful results online, do you like the completely smooth shadowless bald look?

What else does your partner say?

All the best.

I am completely 100% sure I want to be bald forever. I like this because being bald is part of my identity and I want to be more bald than what I am. I have a thick, dark shadow on the sides and a thin outline of a hairline on top. I have diffuse thinning but I'm not a NW7. When I first shaved I was disappointed at having such a shadow because I want the clean look. But the laser look seemed really radical but then I came around to it.
My partner at first said if I did laser it would look "like I have cancer" and he really hated the idea. Eventually after a couple years he said "I don't care, do whatever you want" but I knew he still didn't like it. Now that I have the appointment he says "it's really not a big deal, it's not a big change" and seems to accept it.
Personally I like the shadow-free look. It's just that 99.99% of bald guys have some sort of shadow so it's also kind of scary to be visibly so different with no going back.  But when I see other guys with no shadow I usually like it. I'm making a decision for myself 10 years down the road and more (I'm 43 now). But maybe that future me will thank myself for doing this before it went gray.

Yes, it's a big commitment. Headshaving seems to still be on the rise, and I think it will continue. Hairstyles come and go, but shaved heads will probably always be in style. After all, it's been discussed here how addicting it is to wear a bald hairstyle!

I think the no shadow look is awesome. With totally white hair, I have absolutely no shadow. And associating shaved heads with cancer is absolutely ridiculous these days.


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