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Thanks guys
Yup, it's going well, maybe a bit weird before I shave; the hair growing feels weird af lol, and I'm getting used to the hat. And definetly taking it off when I'm indoors.
Also, got a not-so-bad beard, so that's looking well with the shave. But planning to grow it more, I think it would look better
Got any suggestions on products (head and beard wise - eu available)?

@SmoothieHQ , after you get in a routine, you'll have to decide how often you shave. Alot of guys go 2 or 3 days between shaves. With my white hair, you can't even see it before 4 days or more, but I don't like the stubble, so I shave daily. Many of us like the feel of a totally smooth head, so we shave every day. I'm glad you are liking the baldie life so far, after 30 days you will be hooked!

Are there alot of headshavers in Poland? It's now a very common/popular style here.

@reddog thanks for the tip. I've seen how much the hair grows and it's not noticable before I shave it at all, but I feel like it's weird; I liked the smooth feel better, and I'm used to this back when I used to shave my beard, but on the head it hits differently.

Well, there's a fair number of people here like that yes, and back home as well (Syrian not Polish). I feel like it's common in the people I see


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