Confidence and Success > The (not so) Secret Guide to Gaining Confidence While Going Bald

How to embrace it | Section 5

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--- Quote from: cmac on September 20, 2023, 11:18:49 AM ---@Razor X how many months did it take you to get over that and commit to shaving?

--- End quote ---
In general I found the following the 30 day rule was all it took

There have been several times where I have grown and back out just for a change and I found the growing out. To be one of the most frustrating things of my life

And every year I go back to shaving my head at least on New Year’s Day and either keep it for six months or a full year there after before even thinking about trying to grow it out again

@Razor X 20 years, congrats! Understandable it took some time to adjust. I am only two months and still get self conscious at times but like you said I go back and forth between wanting to shave, shaving, feeling self conscious, growing it out for a fee days, and then wanting to shave again. Feel like I am slowly getting over that hurdle and ready to stay sly though. Like you mentioned wanting to shave in your 20s, i am there and did and glad i did.

Razor X:
I shaved my head the day after this photo was taken. It looks a bit worse than I remembered.

I have to say @Razor X that you look much better, and cooler, now that you are bald and bearded.

@Razor X & @slybeard I agree, a lot cooler with bald and beard.


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