Discussions About Being Bald > General Discussion

Headaches with hair growth

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Hey guys, been a long time since I've been here, but wanted to check in and see if I'm alone in this boat. Been shaving my head about 10 years or so now, and I've noticed when I get lazy and don't shave for a week or so, I'm more prone to getting a headache. Now, I will say that I've had chronic headaches and migraines for the past 20ish years, but they seem to be more frequent and more severe when I'm unshaven. Been battling them the past few days, thought work had me stressed out, then today I finally shaved, and the headache was all but gone by the time I was done shaving. It's something I've recognized for a while now, but today's events seem to solidify my curiosity that much more. Anybody else have this happen or receive and explanation as to why it happens?

I've never heard of that happening, but I'm also curious to see if other guys here have experienced that or heard of it.

So it happens about a week after shaving? Do you wear a hat when you don't shave?

I haven't had that problem. I notice alot of itchiness after a few days of not shaving.

I always got headaches when wearing a hat or sometimes even with sun shades.  Seems like anything that put the slightest pressure on my head caused them. Since going sly, I have not let the hair grow back that much, but I suspect that if I did, the new sensation of the hair may cause headaches as well.


--- Quote from: Tyler on September 16, 2023, 11:21:41 PM ---I've never heard of that happening, but I'm also curious to see if other guys here have experienced that or heard of it.

So it happens about a week after shaving? Do you wear a hat when you don't shave?

--- End quote ---

Roughly a week, yeah. I'll wear hats occasionally, mainly when outside doing yard work or with the kids, but I'd say it's less than 10% of the time.


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