It happens to most of us at some time if we live long enough. As you know, I started BBC around 49. But nature started catching up with me soon after. By 53, if a grew back for a few days, my hair was obviously thinner on top, and a bald area had started on the crown.
During the Covid lockdown I went several weeks without shaving. I had good intentions - I was going to let it grow and after the lockdown, go to my barber for a headshave, and give him a very large tip to help make-up for some of his loss of income. Well the lockdown lasted longer than I did once it was obvious that my head was completely bald on top and all that remained was the fringe. I pulled out my clippers and mowed it down, followed by my Fusion razor to get it back smooth. I have not gone more than three days without a shave since.