Various Non-Bald Discussions > General Discussion
Is it just me...
You could say that shaving our heads is a process addition. ::)
When I was younger I was in to video games but then they got too advanced and I got motion sickness from them. Now, if it's raining or a bad day, I play some solitare but that's it. I do watch some youtube yard things to get some good tips so I can take care of my yard.
Video games are also specifically designed to groom children into gambling
Video games also desensitize children to extreme violence it becomes
It is my personal belief that this acceptance of violence as a normality is more responsible for mass shootings than the guns that are used to perpetrate them! When people live in a world of extreme violence in the matrix it crosses over into the real world very easily
--- Quote from: JohnRa on April 25, 2023, 08:16:19 AM ---You could say that shaving our heads is a process addition. ::)
--- End quote ---
Yes!!! I am hooked on wet shaving with a DE. Pre-shaves, soaps, after shave stuff, blades etc.
As I learn more it gets more and more addicting.
Better than drugs I guess?
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