Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving
Interesting technique
Razor X:
I’ve seen videos like that before. I wonder if it’s just water or a shaving oil, or mix that’s being sprayed on the hair. It looks like the shave is even and not patchy with big rough spots.
I’ve had a Russian barber shave my head without clipper shaving it first but he did first apply a shaving cream of some type. He also shaved with the grain like in the video. But from my experiences with barber shop shaves is that they are never the smoothest and are typically disappointing. It goes to show that it’s not so much the look of the bald head but how smooth it is.
--- Quote from: Razor X on April 16, 2023, 09:47:22 PM ---
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Indian men children and sometimes even women shave their heads for a wide variety of cultural and religious observances. Almost all of the hair extensions that are purchased in the United States or here that’s been donated by Indian women at Tirupathi. It’s a really big business for some of the temples in India
But Indian men quite often shave their heads not only for those observances and at th death of a father, but they’ll do it often to control dandruff is the only way to be able to scrape all of the dead skin cells off of the scalp. It is not an unusual practice. So much so that most villages and even in the cities you’ll see roadside barbers on the street that will shave your head for you right on the curb for just a few cents.
There are hundreds of videos of Indian head shave on YouTube. (Search for India head shave series).
You can also see videos of entire families getting their heads shaved at Tirupathi or Tirumala.
In India mostly barber use plenty of water to wet the hair irrespective of its length. Massage till hair get softer. Shave the head with straight razors.
Tirupati temple barbers are so experienced they make complete shaved within 2-3 min.
Using just plain water for long hair seems to soften it up a bit. I used to have long hair and my first cut was with a muker slant and a spray bottle of water. Got a clean cut but I doubt that would work once the scalp is already shaven.
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