Author Topic: Coming up on 19 years - looking back I made the right choice  (Read 2198 times)

Offline fcb2001

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19 years ago I noticed first signs of Norwood 2, that day I scheduled a head shave for the morning of April 5th 2004 at 8AM, , just to see how I would tolerate it, that day after I was clipper buzzed I was shocked when the barber came out of the back room with hot towels a hot brush and lather, I was lathered up, an Old Fashioned Straight Razor was going to finish the job, it was two passes with the grain and two against the grain, the shave took 90 minutes from start to finish, I forgot a hat that day, I was getting head rubs that day from complete strangers, that was how super smooth my dome was, I decided that night that I was keeping my dome shaved, I struggled with the decision for some time, now I’ve progressed to a Norwood IV, now looking back almost 19 years ago, I made the right choice. It was seeing the Seinfeld episode in the 1990’s when George got the toupee where I vowed to shave upon first noticeable signs of hair loss, now I’m in my mid 40’s

Offline chuck63

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Re: Coming up on 19 years - looking back I made the right choice
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2023, 08:28:30 AM »
I shaved my head the first time six and a half years ago.  I shaved it three days straight and grew it back because I wasn’t sure if I liked the look    I shaved off and on for the next three years.  Finally, about three years ago I decided to stay bald and have pretty much committed to a daily head shave since.  I ended up skipping a day a couple of days ago, and it felt good to be back smooth again yesterday.  I feel a lot cleaner with a perfectly smooth head. 

Offline Razor X

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Re: Coming up on 19 years - looking back I made the right choice
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2023, 02:46:24 PM »
Congratulations.  I was just a few months ahead of you in November 2003.  I had shaved a few times before that but hadn’t stuck with it.


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