Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Celebs
Shawn Mendes
Who is he? He’s just another self-centered self aggrandizing so-called social media “influencer“. You’re supposed to care about what he thinks just like you’re supposed to give a flying F——k About with the Kardashians think!
He is a Canadian singer.
I always said “clipper shaved” when I used a zero or no guard. But when I was doing that that and then lathered up my head and used a razor for the first time, whoa! There is a difference! Going from 1/16” of hair to razor shaved smooth definitely has a different effect when you didn’t think there would be. The smoothness, the shininess can’t be beat.
I'm trying to do the math but I figure the growth at about 1/8 inch a week so 1/4 every two weeks. Maybe 1/2 inch a month so 1 inch every two months. I'd have to let mine grow for maybe 3 months to get my hair that long. Shaven? Sounds like media sensationalism to me.
I mean, hand me a pair of clippers I can make that shaved for him if he wants to say it's shaved :*))
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