Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving
Shaving Regiment Suggestions
I’m thinking of using an electric shaver on weekdays & doing a good razor shave at the start of the weekend. Have seen ads for head electric shavers like the Pitbull. Should I get an electric shaver or stick with guardless clippers (own an Andis Envy. I’d also love hot shaving cream when breaking out my DE Safety razor. Any thoughts? KC
Once in a while I use my Remington foil electric shaver, with great results. I find it easiest to razor shave daily in the shower. Sometimes I like to get out the shaving brush/soap and DE safety razor and take my time in front of the bathroom mirror.
My barber uses a Remington foil electric shaver. Maybe Santa has one for me. 🙏🏼😀
Laser Man:
Panasonic makes great shavers that can be used wet or dry.
I have an Andis foil shaver. It works great and gets closer to a blade shave than any other electric I have tried, but I can still shave quicker in the shower with my Gillette Fusion. I bought it because I thought it would be a quick touch-up between shaves and easier to use for traveling. I rarely use it though because I still fine the blade quicker and closer.
BTW, since you are new to head shaving, you are likely still in the learning phase of head shaving. It took me 30 minutes for my fist head shave in front of a bathroom mirror. After daily head shaving for a couple of months, I had the time down to less than 10 minutes in the shower with an anti-fog shower mirror. Now, it takes me less than 5 minutes in the shower. The steam from the shower helps, and there is no clean-up afterwards.
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