Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald

Needing to get the hats out

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I never really liked wearing hats when I had hair, but bald I almost never wear a hat.  Only on the few cold days we get in Louisiana when I need to be outside for an extended time.  For the hot and sunny days, I just use some sunscreen as my hat.

I'm actually quite fond of wearing hats - beanies in the winter, baseball and flat caps in the summer. Sometimes I stick on a wooly hat in bed! Means I can turn the heating off!


--- Quote from: David_N on October 15, 2024, 08:25:39 AM ---I'm actually quite fond of wearing hats - beanies in the winter, baseball and flat caps in the summer. Sometimes I stick on a wooly hat in bed! Means I can turn the heating off!

--- End quote ---

I do like wearing beanies during cold weather. They become my "hair" temporarily.


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