Discussions About Being Bald > Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald

Needing to get the hats out

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I find hats to be a love hate relationship. I really don’t like covering my bald head - except for those sunny days to avoid burning. But the cooler weather and greyer skies it’s nice to go hatless in the Fall. I love the chill on my head. This morning was an exception. I hate cold raindrops hitting my head! I love snow hitting my bald head….but raindrops are annoying.

Laser Man:
I know what you mean!  I have been holding off wearing a hat because I like the feeling of cool air on my bald head.  It's been unusually cool for this time of year where I live (it was 45 degrees this morning at 7:00 when I took the dog out) and I was tempted to put on a cap, but I held off again. 

I just got all my various winter hats washed and ready to go! Although I don't like wearing hats and I like the cold air on my head. When I have to wear a hat, it always comes off when I enter a building, gotta show off that smooth noggin. Won't be long and I'll be wearing a hoodie to bed. My head gets cold during the night!

Last winter I wore a toke to bed and sometimes outside.  Wearing a hat kind of defeats the purpose of shaving my head.  I do however wear a hat when mowing the lawn or taking a walk in the scorching sun.  We all need some protection from the sun and that's different but I l do like to show off my head whenever possible.

I'm definitely needing a beanie at night from September onwards!


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