Discussions About Being Bald > Reactions to being Bald

Bald wanna be's

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I was a bald wanna be long before it became a trend to shave your head at first I only did it on fundraisers and then I would let it go longer and longer periods of time alternating between the shaved head and the flat top but now every time I see a guy with a beautiful shaved head I wish my head was shaved and every time I see a guy with a really sharp flat top I’m really really envious so I’m never happy!

I will say this though as I become an old man it seems like every old man in Florida has a shaved head but it’s not by choice so I just look like every other old man unless I let my hair grow and force tmy chemo hair to make one last stand as a flattop.

But I would be happy to stick with the bald head year round if only I didn’t make me look like just everybody else there’s no edginess to the bald style when you live in Florida!

@Semi-Sly , it's a little different here. Older guys are less likely to shave it all, I think they're just stuck in a rut, and wear baseball cap all the time. Most sly guys are in their 40's or 50's. Yes, alot more shaved heads now, and I also wish it was less trendy. I think people in general are getting much more at ease commenting about our haircut, had about 3 this week.

I had never really gone for a buzzcut before I was in college I had it to a 4 but that was as close as I had gone. I had a bad haircut and ended up going to another barber and he ended up buzzing my dirty blonde wavy hair to a 3 to even it out then I  bought my own clippers  ... that night I buzzed off to a 2...then 1. I decided that I had to try bald but wanted an excuse so I did st baldricks and let it grow out a bit. March of 2020 I sat down and had the barber take the trimmers and razor and get rid of it all. Like reddog I go back and forth but like him also I see a bald guy and get the itch. Usually though I keep shaved in the summer and grow it out in the winter. However that depends on if it keeps receding or starts thinning bad. I prefer the bald during summer. 


--- Quote from: Thathawkguy001 on June 09, 2022, 05:28:03 PM ---I had never really gone for a buzzcut before I was in college I had it to a 4 but that was as close as I had gone. I had a bad haircut and ended up going to another barber and he ended up buzzing my dirty blonde wavy hair to a 3 to even it out then I  bought my own   ... that night I buzzed off to a 2...then 1. I decided that I had to try bald but wanted an excuse so I did st baldricks and let it grow out a bit. March of 2020 I sat down and had the barber take the trimmers and razor and get rid of it all. Like reddog I go back and forth but like him also I see a bald guy and get the itch. Usually though I keep shaved in the summer and grow it out in the winter. However that depends on if it keeps receding or starts thinning bad. I prefer the bald during summer.

--- End quote ---

Why do you choose to grow it back in the Florida winter?  I am in South Louisiana with similar winter patters to Florida and I keep it shaved year round.

I prefer it that way in winter


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