Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving Product Reviews

Where are the negative reviews?

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Ok, well I hate to say this about the omnishaver because so many people seem to love it but I just can't take the feeling of dull blades tugging away at my hairs and I did everything by the book.  This evening I felt the back of my head and was horrified at how rough it was so I touched it up with my shick razor.  In fact, I did my whole head again with my shick.  It did a better job in half the time of the omnishaver so I guess my shick razor is the winner.  I get the feeling that I'm doing something wrong with the omnishaver so I'll mess with it some more tomorrow.  Maybe I'm not pressing down hard enough or too hard.  I really want to give the omnishaver a chance but so far, I'm not the least bit impressed.  I shouldn't have wasted my money.

Thanks for the info, Clint. Different razors work for some, not others. Maybe it's the angle or direction hair grows on different people? I guess that's why there are so many different razors out there.

I use the Schick Extreme 3 too. They aren't as sharp as they used to be, but still work good. I tried the Headblade years ago, and no matter how many times, or with different blades, I couldn't get it to work. It's fun to try different routines, though. I recently started using my double edge safety razor once in awhile. If I can go 3 days or more without shaving, it works great!

Come to think of it, most of the youtube videos showed guys that had close to a weeks growth.  I'm a daily shaver, not a once a week shaver so maybe it only works great on longer hair that absorbs more lube and gets softer.  I'll try again today but my hopes are pretty much dashed.  Hey, if it doesn't work well, I'll just use my backup razor. 

I hated the Omnishaver. I thought it was a truly awful product. Great concept but very mediocre shave.

Speaking as a retired toolmaker, I'm used to figuring things out so I did something different this morning.  I washed my head as usual then put some olive oil and rubbed it in, then put on shaving gel.  Well, I didn't get a great shave from the omnirazor but at least there wasn't much pulling.  I'm just the type of person that has to try every possible solution before making a final decision.  I'll see what happens tomorrow but I see the trash bin in the omnishavers future.  Ha ha!  Maybe I call that company first and see what they say.  I feel like I got ripped off but it won't be the first time.  But on the bright side, I saved a fortune on bad haircuts just by shaving my head so there's not too much to complain about.  I just hate when a company claims their product will be so wonderful then I get it and it doesn't do what it's supposed to do.


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