Confidence and Success > How to Build Confidence
How do I regain confidence after having it destroyed by hairloss forums?
--- Quote from: clint902 on August 23, 2021, 12:36:18 PM ---Try not to overthink it. If I pulled the pin every time I thought a girl wouldn't like me because of my hairstyle, clothing or my having to use a cane to walk(problem resolved), I never would've met my wife of 32 years. I've found that girls find what's inside as more intriguing than what's outside. I truly think that if a girl rejects you just because of your hairstyle then maybe you don't belong together anyway. Well, whatever you do, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Trust me on that! O0
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Thank you! Well I have been told a couple of times I am very interesting; but my concerns about balding were mainly beause I am one of the three people I know from my high school who are balding VERY aggressive. I know that one of them desperately tries to hide behind caps, and the second just gave up (Norwood 7 at 17 years old) and has grown out his horseshoe to 1 inch or 2,5cm length. I am going into uncharted territory because I will be the only one sly person I will know. Anyway, I hope I will find solace in shaving my head and relaxing, because it will be the end to the 3 year old hairloss saga :D
You'll be fine, my man. Whether you let your hair grow or shave it, you are still going to be you. I was a Norwood 4 in my early 20's as were my uncles (thanks genetics!). One uncle just kept a shorter buzzcut all the time. The other uncle went for hair transplants. His hair was receding so fast that it would fall out behind where the transplant was which gave him a rather interesting look. I was the first in the family to just shave it bald. Prior to shaving it, I kept it buzzed with a #2 guard all the time. It was really liberating to me when I shaved it. I felt free somehow. Did I get some negative comments and some double-takes? Sure, but all that has gone away. I chose to address negativity with humor or at most with an "I'm sorry you don't like it, but your hair looks great today!" "It takes me forever to comb/blowdry this mess!" "I can't tell you how much money I'm saving on shampoo!" "No more bad hair days!" When it starts raining, I still love using "My baldar is going off!"
Just be you. Give it 30 days where you shave every day, then make a plan after that. Good luck!
Razor X:
Too much negative energy on those hair loss forums. Stay away from them for your sanity’s sake.
@BaldBlindAt20 I agree with the other guys. I think you are stressing yourself out unnecessarily over this. A shaved head really isn’t a big deal. Lots of guys shave their heads and they look great. Just because you are bald headed doesn’t mean that women will not be attracted to you. Attraction happens for other reasons aside from looks. Stay off the forums that are nothing but negative energy.
If you are still on the fence, then just buzz your head at a shorter length and do a clipper shave. You’ll have soft stubble and within a week your hair will grow back to a #1. That’s actually how i started. A buddy buzzed my head without a guard — probably a #0. I looked bald and I was surprised that I loved it and thought i could sport a bald headed look. I kept it that short for a while and then eventually took out the razor. Like you, I wanted to shave. I kept thinking about it, thinking about it and wanted to do it but didn’t have the courage. The thought of shaving was like a bug that wouldn’t leave. So on a Friday night, i had a few beers, took out the razor did the deed and shaved. Loved it ever since.
You’ll get there.
--- Quote from: Razorhead on August 25, 2021, 04:44:03 AM ---@BaldBlindAt20 I agree with the other guys. I think you are stressing yourself out unnecessarily over this. A shaved head really isn’t a big deal. Lots of guys shave their heads and they look great. Just because you are bald headed doesn’t mean that women will not be attracted to you. Attraction happens for other reasons aside from looks. Stay off the forums that are nothing but negative energy.
If you are still on the fence, then just buzz your head at a shorter length and do a clipper shave. You’ll have soft stubble and within a week your hair will grow back to a #1. That’s actually how i started. A buddy buzzed my head without a guard — probably a #0. I looked bald and I was surprised that I loved it and thought i could sport a bald headed look. I kept it that short for a while and then eventually took out the razor. Like you, I wanted to shave. I kept thinking about it, thinking about it and wanted to do it but didn’t have the courage. The thought of shaving was like a bug that wouldn’t leave. So on a Friday night, i had a few beers, took out the razor did the deed and shaved. Loved it ever since.
You’ll get there.
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Thank you!
As for now, I buzzed my head from shoulder length to 2mm. The reactions from the people were very satisfying, because not one person told me it looks like sh*t, even my female friend who hates baldness :D Tomorrow I get my hands on my new Philips which will bring down hair length to 0,5mm, and later, when I get a tan (I was dumb to go to Greece with long hair) I think I will shave to skin, I think I will love it! Btw, are you 27? Because I always assumed you to be that age.
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