Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Beards
Poll - Bald Head Beard Combinations
I shaved my face when the Covid thing started for the first time in about 40 years. I was shocked! Wasn't a good look for me.
I went clean shave too at the beginning of the pandemic when wearing a mask with a beard was annoying. I kinda liked it and it lasted longer than I thought it would —- about 6 months. Then I did a mustache which fits under a mask nicely then went to a goatee.
only done a full beard since I shaved my head so scared to shave beard off now.
@Dragon And what a gorgeous beard it is! Nicely shaped in that side shot!
--- Quote from: Razorhead on June 05, 2021, 05:09:32 AM ---@Dragon And what a gorgeous beard it is! Nicely shaped in that side shot!
--- End quote ---
thanks @Razorhead. That was a while ago, its a bit longer now and wider. I could blame covid.......
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