Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Beards

Best Beard Trimmers.


So I'm in the market for a good beard trimmer. I've grown tired of busting out my Oster 76 every time I need to trim mine. I've tried some cheaper ones, but they don't so much trim as emit a loud buzzing sound and pull. Recommendations?

I just got a vacuum beard trimmer from Amazon.  From reading many reviews in the category, this seemed like the best for my purposes.  It's the Shpavver Vacuum Beard Trimmer. (Obviously, coming up with an English brand name is not their strong suit.)

I was able to go from a scraggly week of  hair growth on my head to an almost invisible stubble. It's not BBS, but a quick wet shave would solve that. Using a razor on what I started with would have been impossible.

This version gets better reviews than the highly-promoted brands.  The thing is even water-resistant at IPX6. Obviously, you can't dunk the whole thing in water, but you can rinse it out with water.

Just a first impression, but very favorable.

This thing always surprises me.  Once again, my hair's too long and I'm ready for a clipper shave -- effective but a mess.

No fuss this time because this vacuum beard trimmer does the job perfectly.   Then a quick clean up with my razor, either Gillette Guard or Fusion, and I'm all set.

I suppose it would hurt Gillette's profits, but they should consider selling the Gillette Guard razor in the US.


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