Author Topic: I've been experimenting!  (Read 1168 times)

Offline clint902

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I've been experimenting!
« on: September 28, 2021, 04:42:41 AM »
Lately I've been trying different pre-shave things such as butter, creams and even propylene glycol but in the end, I've found that my original method gave me the best shave.  I also discovered that it's not the sharpness of the blade but rather the softness of the hair that made the difference.  So I've decided to go back to my original method of preparation which involved cleaning my scalp then applying olive oil then shave gel which I messaged in.  I've seen videos of guys using hot towels on their scalps but I don't want to do all that.  It appears that the longer the whiskers are wet, the softer the hairs get so I'll be doing it that way today.  I've also been using my de which is pretty normal for me because most of my life, the de was the only way to shave(except the cut throat which I never had the balls to try).  Right now I'm using my murker slant which works fine.  Looks mean but really isn't and is supposed to slice the hair instead of just plowing through the brush.  I don't notice the difference but anyway, this is where I am.  I'm wondering if there are any other ways of softening the hairs?  Any ideas out there?  If so, I'll try them out of curiosity.

Offline reddog

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Re: I've been experimenting!
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2021, 07:09:19 AM »
I know everybody is different, and for me, less is better. Usually, I shave in the shower. I let the hot water run on my head while I take my shower. Then I use either Arko shaving soap or Dial bath soap. Cold water rinse and a splash of witch hazel and I'm good to go with a smooth shiny noggin!
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline slybeard

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Re: I've been experimenting!
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2021, 07:31:01 AM »
I am a shower shaver as well.  The steam from the dower does a great job softening up the hair.  I use a multiblade cartridge razor (Fusion) and Cremo brand shave cream.  I agree that the hair softness is more important than the blade sharpness.  I can go a month without changing my cartridge, which helps off-set the high price.

I did try the DE route and was never able to get the hang of it.  I did loose a lot of blood with it.

Offline clint902

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Re: I've been experimenting!
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2021, 01:15:02 PM »
I've always enjoyed shower shaves!  I found that over the sink shaves can be a real challenge.  On the subject of de's and cartridge razors, well, I on occasion get nicks with any new blade but fortunately, those nicks are few and far between.  I can shave a bit faster with my extreme 3 but the de requires more respect so I let the blade do the work and take my time.  One of my favorite de's is 1918 Gillette.  Actually, the hardest part is I have to be careful while changing the blade.  As for longevity of the blades of either razor, I get about 2 or 3 shaves from each one.
Back when I first had peach-fuzz on my face, nothing other than the de was on the market.  In fact, when I enlisted, they gave everyone a Shick de so the disposable razors of today are relatively new to me.  I was in my twenties the first time I used one out of curiosity.  I remember it was a Gillette something or other.  I also tried the Bic razor but didn't like it.  I only shaved my face back then but the Bic was too harsh and pulled.  They didn't have much else back then but I do remember the injectable razors but never got to try one.