Author Topic: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...  (Read 13880 times)

Offline SILBaldguy

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Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:16:34 PM »
My has time flown, it's been almost 5 years since I've last posted here and hard to believe I've been bald all that time! That was until this month, this year when on the 6th of January I decide to try and grow out my balding/thinning hair, which seems to be a thing a lot of bald/balding guys are doing on the inter-webs. My back and sides are still pretty thick and growing, but my top and crown region is where the balding is at, namely the temples, and crown with only a 'Y' pattern of thinning hair connecting it all to my sides, which I believe is Norwood Phase 4/borderline phase 5. I was Phase 3 (v) originally when I started shaving my head @ age 28, now age 34 so I've balded a bit more in that time, but not horrifically fast. Unlike other guys on the internet that grew their hair for a month, I'm looking to go big as in long. I haven't had long hair since senior year in high school at age 18/19 when it was shoulder length before I ended up cutting it just prior to graduation.

I've been using a beard growth shampoo and conditioner combo on both my scalp and of course my beard along with taking a hair/skin/and nails supplement and vitamin D3 the latter of which I'm actually deficient in. I'm also a medical cannabis patient for anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, and migraines. Now 6 days shy of a month in to my hair growing adventure I can see what might be looking like a few new hairs sprouting up in the temple area, and even a few in the crown area, but it's still pretty sparse there. I'm trying to avoid minoxidil/rogaine as well as other 'drug' treatments due to risk of side effects and some people having at least some success in 'natural' remedies. I'm also entertaining the idea of using a derma-roller as there seems to be some evidence that it can help kick off new hair growth or at least stave off farther loss.

Do you guys have any suggestions or tips I can try to maximize my results or at least speed up growth for the hair I still have?

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2021, 08:33:07 PM »

Do you guys have any suggestions or tips I can try to maximize my results or at least speed up growth for the hair I still have?


Offline clint902

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2021, 01:16:52 AM »
I don't know what to say. 

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2021, 05:31:22 AM »
Good luck, it will be very hard to transition back to hair, or whatever you have left of it.

I have tried many times, but after a few weeks, several things come into play.

I definitely miss the shaving routine. Then I'll see several guys with great looking shaved heads and have "bald" envy. Then as my white hair grows in, I think it makes me look OLD! Most of all, I miss the feel of a smooth head.

The good thing is, when I get the razor out and shave it smooth again, I feel and look "normal" again.
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Offline Goatee

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2021, 03:06:35 PM »
Embrace the bald look.

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2021, 11:37:47 PM »
I assume that the "beard growth" shampoo and conditioner that you wasted your money on will do the same job on your head, like your face. It won't do anything but empty your wallet ad waste your time.

Grow your hair out, fine.... why not.

Offline MarkMusicNYC

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2021, 03:06:54 PM »
Not trying to be discouraging, just want to make you aware of the facts. As DoberDaddy pointed out, topical "growth" potions (shampoos, conditioners, serums, etc.) don't work. They actually CAN'T work, since they can't reach under the scalp where your hair loss is actually happening. Derma rolling is equally ineffective. So please don't put a lot of hope in these things making any kind of real difference.

Offline SILBaldguy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2021, 11:17:11 PM »
Derma-Rolling/Scalp Massage or more specifically scalp stimulation 'is said' to enhance blood flow and therefore more oxygen and nutrients to the hair, plus that it might encourage some cells in the scalp to regenerate hair follicles. No scientific evidence neither for or against these ideas, and it's probably all 'snake oil' anyway. But if it gives the illusion of improvement and one keeps expectations low, I really don't see the harm other than the wasted money. As for the shampoo I have noticed a difference and actually had photos I posted on to another beard forum that when I used the shampoo it made my beard appear thicker/fuller/longer than before I used it. The vitamin D deficiency and the cannabis use mostly edibles and tinctures as well as butters is perhaps the most interesting as that is ingested as well as the vitamin. I'm I expecting to grow inches of hair a month or regain a full head of hair in the areas I lost because of it? No, not at all. It could all be illusion due to smaller thinner hairs actually getting a chance to grow as opposed to being shaved off before they can even be visible. They just aren't visible in the 'stubble' due to being light enough not to notice until you've grown them out a bit, like say a month or more.

If nothing else and my baldness decides to make a resurgence and result in more hair loss I can always fall back to a skullet. Not the most popular and seemingly quite despised hair style for sure, but it's an option. After all MPB can't take it all away. It's mainly all an exercise in experimentation anyway. After all only live once as far as anyone knows/remembers. Can always switch back to bald if and when I get sick of it all. I can at least said I tried it.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 11:19:03 PM by SILBaldguy »

Offline SILBaldguy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2021, 11:25:54 PM »
Not trying to be discouraging, just want to make you aware of the facts. As DoberDaddy pointed out, topical "growth" potions (shampoos, conditioners, serums, etc.) don't work. They actually CAN'T work, since they can't reach under the scalp where your hair loss is actually happening. Derma rolling is equally ineffective. So please don't put a lot of hope in these things making any kind of real difference.

Yet Rogaine Minoxidil does work at least for some guys and that doesn't go deep in your scalp. If it can have an effect, yet other chemicals can't don't make sense to me. I really don't see the difference here other than one is a medication and the other stuff is not. 

Offline reddog

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2021, 04:47:20 AM »
It doesn't hurt to experiment a little. I think everyone should wear their hair however they wish. Like you say, you always have the option to go back to shaving. It would be awfully weird if everyone looked the same.

Sidenote, we have a severe cold spell going on here, high yesterday of -2 degrees! I haven't shaved in 12 days for warmth. I trimmed it to a high and tight horseshoe flattop, but hoping the temps improve next week. I'm thinking about going for a barbershop headshave in a couple weeks.
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Offline Dragon

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2021, 02:36:29 AM »

Yet Rogaine Minoxidil does work at least for some guys and that doesn't go deep in your scalp. If it can have an effect, yet other chemicals can't don't make sense to me. I really don't see the difference here other than one is a medication and the other stuff is not.

These are drugs that are designed to be absorbed into the body, once in the body it acts to cause vasodilation and if its been absorbed through the scalp it may have greater effects on the blood vessesls near the follicles.  It only works in some people, its less effective if there is major hear loss and its efectiveness can be position dependent so may not work all over. Of course once its absorbed it can go anywhere in the body which is why some people have significant side effects.
Shampoos are not designed to be absorbed but to wash the hair outside of the scalp. Lots of lotions and potions also only penetrate the outer layers of the scalp

Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2021, 12:57:04 PM »
Not trying to be discouraging, just want to make you aware of the facts. As DoberDaddy pointed out, topical "growth" potions (shampoos, conditioners, serums, etc.) don't work. They actually CAN'T work, since they can't reach under the scalp where your hair loss is actually happening. Derma rolling is equally ineffective. So please don't put a lot of hope in these things making any kind of real difference.

Yet Rogaine Minoxidil does work at least for some guys and that doesn't go deep in your scalp. If it can have an effect, yet other chemicals can't don't make sense to me. I really don't see the difference here other than one is a medication and the other stuff is not.

Rogaine/Minoxidil are intended to be rubbed onto the skin and remain there for hours before being washed off.  Hair regrowth shampoos are only in contact with the skin for seconds to maybe a couple minutes before being washed off.  That's why they can't really have much of an impact whatsoever.

I'm also skeptical of the cannabis.  While I believe it does have its place for various things, it has almost turned into a parody of itself with advocates boasting of its benefits in virtually every imaginable scenario.  Water isn't even as versatile as cannabis is made out to be.
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Offline SILBaldguy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again... (2023 update!)
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2023, 12:28:58 PM »
Me in Spring 2019: (last bald picture I have)

Me now in 2023:

This was after exactly 2 years of growing out my hair. The beard is @ 9.5 months. It actually looks better then I expected especially with the paired beard and from the front the thinning hair on top isn't really noticed. I have been on a hair loss treatment plan for 6 months starting in July of 2022 with some progress, but the crown remains the most stubborn to grow back in. Just thought I'd drop a quick update on this, and to let people know I'm still around and doing pretty well otherwise.

Offline Barbero Pelón

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again... (2023 update!)
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2023, 09:09:04 PM »
Me in Spring 2019: (last bald picture I have)

Me now in 2023:

This was after exactly 2 years of growing out my hair. The beard is @ 9.5 months. It actually looks better then I expected especially with the paired beard and from the front the thinning hair on top isn't really noticed. I have been on a hair loss treatment plan for 6 months starting in July of 2022 with some progress, but the crown remains the most stubborn to grow back in. Just thought I'd drop a quick update on this, and to let people know I'm still around and doing pretty well otherwise.

Better BALD

Offline DoberDaddy

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Re: Borderline Norwood Phase 5 Want to grow again...
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2023, 02:18:35 AM »
Do what makes you feel happy. I think the long hair, long beard looks great.