Author Topic: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow  (Read 9761 times)

Offline chuck63

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2020, 07:06:37 PM »
I’m letting my hair grow for a couple of days. I’m going to try an epilator and see how that works out.

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2020, 09:30:07 PM »
I’m letting my hair grow for a couple of days. I’m going to try an epilator and see how that works out.

 Well here’s a tip for what it’s worth .   Do not use the full width of the epilator the pain will be too excruciating .

I saw a chip where a guy used masking tape to keep the strips of hair that he was uploading down to a quarter inch at a time and then he would just move the masking tape back and do the neck strip that way the pain was not too excruciating even then I’ll tell you it’s going to be painful

Offline chuck63

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2020, 08:07:46 AM »
This was the second time I worked with an epilator.  It started working after a day and a half of growth.  Over a couple of days I was able to eliminate much of the shadow off the top of my head.  The results make for an easier and smoother shave.

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2020, 09:58:56 PM »
This was the second time I worked with an epilator.  It started working after a day and a half of growth.  Over a couple of days I was able to eliminate much of the shadow off the top of my head.  The results make for an easier and smoother shave.
What about on the back and sides ?   Was that more painful and the results last as long ?

Offline slybeard

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2020, 01:29:53 PM »
How was the pain level?  Especially on the thicker areas.

Offline chuck63

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2020, 06:52:57 PM »
The pain level wasn’t too bad.  It got worse as time went by as the hair grew.  I stopped after working on the top because my scalp was getting pretty irritated. I’ll keep you posted as to how long the results last

Offline clint902

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2020, 02:59:13 AM »
I think depending on how much shadow one has, it shows a badass look especially the next day.  I really love my look the day after I shave when the funny grey gets a little darker and I have a little "rug" on my head and gives me the mat look.  My head  is so used to shaving now, it just looks so natural even with the shadow.  Don't worry about the shadow guys!  I think it makes us look better!

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2020, 01:35:26 PM »
I had about a dozen laser treatments which pretty much eliminated my shadow. Since I had a lot of gray hair, I still shave regularly because laser doesn’t remove gray or white hair. What was interesting was that about two weeks after the first treatment, I realized that almost all dark hair was gone from the top and sides.  My hairline was gone!  Most of the hair on the back was gone after the sixth treatment. I like not having a shadow, but I think it’s more personal preference.

Offline BaldOrchidgrower

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2021, 03:47:44 AM »
I was almost full head of hair. Waxing and tweezing worked well on me.
I had to learn the best ways to wax and tweeze, them skin cares, including the elimination of some ingrown hairs, and exfoliation.
 Wax and tweeze require patience and dedication, but, after one year doing that on my head, I`m happy with the result, most of my hair is gone and the shine on my dome is permanent.

Offline Razorhead

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2021, 07:41:39 PM »
@BaldOrchidgrower the dome looks amazing. Nice and shiny and I bet as smooth as glass. How painful was the process to tweeze and wax? I’ve seen videos of waxing and it looks incredibly painful.

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2021, 08:58:51 PM »
 Wow orchid grower it looks amazing ! But where did you go to get the waxing done I’ve asked and asked and asked and I can’t find an aesthetician that’s willing to do it for me !

Offline Rusty Shackleford

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2021, 04:04:20 PM »
I bet the reason there isn't a good way to get rid of it is because there are tens of thousands of hairs on the head.  It's time consuming and therefore would be very expensive and the cost/reward ratio probably doesn't justify further development.  Imagine how long electrolysis would take on an entire head!  If anything that probably wouldn't be cost effective until the procedure could be done with robotics.

As for a drug, I imagine DHT promoters would help by triggering male pattern baldness, but something like that would likely be reversed if you stopped taking the drug and the DHT levels returned to normal.  It would be great for beard and body hair growth though!
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Offline slybeard

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2021, 10:01:24 AM »
Nice shine @BaldOrchidgrower

That was a big investment in time.  What is the current maintenance to keep it that way?

Offline BaldOrchidgrower

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2021, 12:14:45 AM »
Nice shine @BaldOrchidgrower

That was a big investment in time.  What is the current maintenance to keep it that way?

 The shining is because great part of the hair is gone, and cleaning process.
In the beginning, one year go I was bald in level 2 of Nortwood scale. To remove hair, I spent 6 days, following a protocole to make the hair removal a safe process,  still was painfull, but worth it.

 Now with the thinner hair I just wax once or twice per month, lasting each process around one hour 20 minutes including material preparation, I tweeze ocasionally the few remaining hairs appearing after wax, I spend few minutes.
For skin cares, just while in the shower, exfoliation, washing with shampoo and appying the gel of Aloe vera plant are part of my itinerary, spending few minutes.
 I assume a 70% of the hair is gone, and the remaining hair is thiner and thinner. Tweezing and waxing is less often, and I have my dome smooth per longer time. No pain actually, because the hair roots and follicles are weak.
  I save the time who would involve a dayly shaving, save money in razors and barbershop visits, and the material to wax is cheap and made at home.

Offline BaldOrchidgrower

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2021, 12:23:27 AM »
Wow orchid grower it looks amazing ! But where did you go to get the waxing done I’ve asked and asked and asked and I can’t find an aesthetician that’s willing to do it for me !

The waxing and tweezing on scalp is extremely unusual, I don´t know about any asesthetic center in USA who offer this service.
I live in a central american country where is impossible to find any center who remove hair on scalp, that´s why and I epilate my scalp all by myself.


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