Author Topic: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow  (Read 8907 times)

Offline lshallperish

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Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:34:11 AM »
It sucks how theres hair transplants but nothing to go completely bald..

Why cant they just knock us out and do a electrolysis on our heads to completely remove everything in one go

Offline Runningman586

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2020, 11:31:02 AM »
That would be so nice. I'm in the same boat with the shadow delema. Also something to slow down hair regrowth would be great too lol.

Offline lshallperish

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgeHry to remove hair shadow
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2020, 04:18:29 PM »
I abousultely refuse to "live with it"

Ive done 8 sessions of laser and now im doing electrolysis and have done 31 hours but disappointed in the results. Im still going to go but i have ran out of other options 

Surely someone can do it? i mean surgeons turned a guy in to a bloody cat (catman) with whiskers and everything

Offline clint902

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2020, 06:46:13 PM »
It sucks how theres hair transplants but nothing to go completely bald..

Why cant they just knock us out and do a electrolysis on our heads to completely remove everything in one go

How long have you been shaving?  When I first shaved,my scalp was lily white but over a few weeks, my scalp got darker so now my shadow is hardly noticeable.  I know a guy that puts makeup on his head but that's not for me.

Offline lshallperish

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2020, 11:59:14 PM »
About 5 years but always wear a beanie/hat cause self conscious about the shadow. I want to be completely bald. Im stuck in the middle.

What sort of make up would your friend be using?

Offline chgobuzzbald

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2020, 01:08:04 AM »
I sometimes use a BB Cream on my head to reduce or hide the shadow. These are really moisturizers made with a tint so not exactly make up. Experiment with the different tints to see what works for you. It does not look like make up.
I have read some guys use Epilators to remove hair follicles to achieve total baldness with no shadow but you need the hair grown out a bit for the Epilator to grab it.
Also have recently read about hair Growth Inhibitors that may work on scalp hair to slow down the growth and reduce any shadow.
If you are doing a laser that should eventually be effective but each laser is different, there are many types that have different wavelengths and the intensity may not be set high enough so check that too.

Offline lshallperish

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2020, 03:15:08 AM »
Will look in to BB creams, thanks.

I did 8 sessions of laser and wasn't seeing results so i stopped and am now doing electrolysis. I have done 31 hours of electrosys and continuing.

Maybe i should double down and do laser and electrolysis. The laser machine was alexandria or something

Offline Goatee

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2020, 07:29:15 AM »
Just accept what you got.

People around the world with much worse issues than horse shoe shape balding
« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 02:38:44 PM by Goatee »

Offline clint902

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2020, 10:19:53 AM »
About 5 years but always wear a beanie/hat cause self conscious about the shadow. I want to be completely bald. Im stuck in the middle.

What sort of make up would your friend be using?
It's some kind of foundation his wife had.  Like I said, it's not for me and isn't something I'd use because my reason for shaving is the nice clean feeling I get.

Epilators are out there but they pull your hair out by the roots so once again, it's not for me.  If you respect the process and take your time shaving, any shadow wouldn't be a big deal.  Now having surgical things done is really going too far since shaving is part of my daily routine anyway.  One sure way of getting rid of the shadow is to shave every three or four days.  No one will be able to tell(except you) and you won't have that shadow.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 10:34:28 AM by clint902 »

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2020, 11:51:04 AM »
I never had to deal with a shadow as my hair was white when I first shaved. At some point I considered permanent hair removal, but lasers don't work on white hair. I shave daily because I want it BBS, and still having a full head of hair, it takes some work. I understand not wanting a shadow, but a nice close shave will minimize it.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline clint902

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2020, 12:00:53 PM »
After reading this thread, I'm became self conscious about my own shadow :-[  however, I went to the doctors today and saw the shadow on other guys and theirs were nowhere as bad as I perceive mine to be so I think maybe it's all in my mind.  When I got home, I shaved, exfoliated, shaved again, exfoliated again then put on a moisturizer.  That's the best I can do.  If I still have a shadow after all that then people are gonna have to deal with it.  That's all I have.

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2020, 06:58:38 PM »
Well having to hair a shadow may be annoying, especially as in my case where I also still have a front hairline but a big bald spot in the middle,  it is a very masculine look!  And it lets people know that you’re not just a victim of alopecia or cancer or as in my case reactions to life-threatening doses of powerful antibiotics .  It shows that you’re a take charge kind a guy who chooses the shaved head as your haircut !  So think of it as a kind of badge of honor !

Offline clint902

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2020, 02:54:19 AM »
I've seen many bald guys and many pictures of bald guys over the years but every one of them had a shadow that was barely detectable so I'm thinking that we're our own worst critic when it comes to that.  There's a huge difference between standing in front of the bathroom mirror and walking around in the market.  Nobody has walked up to me with a pair of binoculars to examine the perfection of my shave.  Just yesterday I was at the doctors and while waiting in the room, I looked in the full length mirror and behold, I couldn't see any shadow!  So I think a lot of it has to do with the lighting and the fact that we're more critical of our own scalps.  Or something like that.  Not to worry!   

Offline Bizarro

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2020, 12:36:38 PM »
I have seen great results waxing and or tweezing! You should try it, it is quite cheap.

Always tempemted to do it myself.

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Re: Wish there was some sort of surgery to remove hair shadow
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2020, 10:32:05 PM »
I have seen great results waxing and or tweezing! You should try it, it is quite cheap.

Always tempemted to do it myself.

 Well I’ve tried Apple eating and it’s not worth the pain because the hair grows back anyway !

 I’ve never found any place that is willing to wax my head so I’ve never tried it


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