Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Stories
It's official - shaved heads are the " in" haircut!
I went to a car show today and saw at least 40 or more shaved heads. Hard to tell, after a while baldies look alot alike. Smooth shaved head, grey goatee/beard, and sunglasses seems to be the hot look. Had good conversations with a few fellow baldies. Looks like alot of the guys that tried a shaved head during the pandemic have decided to keep it bald!
Razor X:
What was the average age and how many of them were bald anyway?
Probably about half were 55+, but I was surprised that alot of 30 something guys have embraced the baldie style. Alot of the younger guys were already balding, but hard to tell on us older guys as the shadow on the sides and back doesn't show with grey hair. I was really surprised at the number of guys shaving now. When I started shaving 7 years ago, it wasn't quite so mainstream.
I'm sure the style is taking a huge dent out of the hair "restoration" industry. I just don't see why anyone would choose to get a hair transplant these days.
--- Quote from: Tyler on October 18, 2020, 01:41:20 PM ---I'm sure the style is taking a huge dent out of the hair "restoration" industry. I just don't see why anyone would choose to get a hair transplant these days.
--- End quote ---
I'm thinking probably the same reason some folks get facelifts, botox injections and implants. People are afraid of getting and looking old. That's the best I can come up with.
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