Author Topic: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing  (Read 3431 times)


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Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« on: September 15, 2020, 04:22:17 AM »
Hello everybody. I think it's time for me to continue to the next level. I am thinking either tweezing or waxing since laser it would be ineffective due to the amount of white hair i have. Please feel free to paste any info you have available. And I have a question to anyone who had performed this on the past, have you ever tried to use an anesthetic cream to reduce pain?
Thank you

P.S.: I am sorry for my English, I am from Greece, and English is my second language.

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 06:29:27 AM »
I cannot offer any information, but we have a few guys that have posted here that have done it.  If you do, please keep us updates with how it goes.  I am sure a lot of guys have some of the same questions and would love to be able to track your experiences.

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2020, 10:56:34 PM »
Hello everybody. I think it's time for me to continue to the next level. I am thinking either tweezing or waxing since laser it would be ineffective due to the amount of white hair i have. Please feel free to paste any info you have available. And I have a question to anyone who had performed this on the past, have you ever tried to use an anesthetic cream to reduce pain?
Thank you

P.S.: I am sorry for my English, I am from Greece, and English is my second language.

Hello friend, I spent a quite long time to decide for tweezing and waxing technique, because the information about this hair removal technique is unusual, I have to think about the procedure I would apply, I checked some sites about sugaring, and readed about Traction Alopecia to comprobate if tweezing and waxing are effective, and is true, If you dedicate time for maintenance a permanent baldness will be achieved.
 Personally I tryed mostly natural ingredients, I used directly hand moved tweezers to diminish the hair density I spent 5 days, them I done the "sugar waxing" and finally the extreme thin hairs I shaved.
 Was so painful in the beginning, I don´t use any anestesic product, just breathing deeply and taking courage to pluck out, three weeks later I done a second waxing session and no pain of all!!! Actually the waxing maintenance spend only one hour per month and no pain of all, and ocasionally I tweeze the strubles. In eight months to apply this technique, I assume a 40% of my hair was gone forever, every new session is easier than the last before, the remaining hair is growing thinner and sparse, I´m sure monthe later I´ll spend too short time for a long term maintenance.
I wish you success, let tweeze and wax your hair, worth the effort, ad you´ll chieve the permanent baldness, the same or better than laser.


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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2020, 03:56:20 AM »
Thank you very much for your reply. I must admit, looking at your photo that this is the result I want to achieve.

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2020, 06:58:58 PM »
  Where do you guys live I can’t find anybody in the USA who will wax my head for me

Offline zetaeffe

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2024, 05:20:07 PM »

Hello friend, I spent a quite long time to decide for tweezing and waxing technique, because the information about this hair removal technique is unusual, I have to think about the procedure I would apply, I checked some sites about sugaring, and readed about Traction Alopecia to comprobate if tweezing and waxing are effective, and is true, If you dedicate time for maintenance a permanent baldness will be achieved.
 Personally I tryed mostly natural ingredients, I used directly hand moved tweezers to diminish the hair density I spent 5 days, them I done the "sugar waxing" and finally the extreme thin hairs I shaved.
 Was so painful in the beginning, I don´t use any anestesic product, just breathing deeply and taking courage to pluck out, three weeks later I done a second waxing session and no pain of all!!! Actually the waxing maintenance spend only one hour per month and no pain of all, and ocasionally I tweeze the strubles. In eight months to apply this technique, I assume a 40% of my hair was gone forever, every new session is easier than the last before, the remaining hair is growing thinner and sparse, I´m sure monthe later I´ll spend too short time for a long term maintenance.
I wish you success, let tweeze and wax your hair, worth the effort, ad you´ll chieve the permanent baldness, the same or better than laser.

Wow! you really got great results!! congratulations! beautiful hairless scalp!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2024, 05:24:37 PM by zetaeffe »

Offline zetaeffe

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2024, 05:27:27 PM »
Hello everybody. I think it's time for me to continue to the next level. I am thinking either tweezing or waxing since laser it would be ineffective due to the amount of white hair i have. Please feel free to paste any info you have available. And I have a question to anyone who had performed this on the past, have you ever tried to use an anesthetic cream to reduce pain?
Thank you

P.S.: I am sorry for my English, I am from Greece, and English is my second language.

Have read that you went for laser hai removal... anyway this is my scalp after many years of tweezing.
I guess that now more than 95% of my scalp hair is permanently gone, and only white thin hair grows back.
Now I make only maintenance tweezing once or twice a month.


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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2024, 04:55:47 AM »
Thank you very much.
I have recently discovered tweezing, using a simple and cheap epilator.
The results are pretty encouraging.
I have to admit, that most of the work have been done by laser hair removal I had.
I will try to post, my results tomorrow.

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2024, 08:28:47 AM »
Thank you very much.
I have recently discovered tweezing, using a simple and cheap epilator.
The results are pretty encouraging.
I have to admit, that most of the work have been done by laser hair removal I had.
I will try to post, my results tomorrow.

Guess that now that you?ve removed most of hair with the laser the epilator is perfect for the maintenance.
And also to kill the last few hair that still grows back.

Look forward to see your results.

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2024, 12:12:19 PM »
First post of a looooooong-time reader only 🙃. It?s only recently that I started to be less paranoid about leaving traces on the internet...

@zetaeffe Just wanted to thank you for posting on here about your experiences with scalp tweezing over the years. You were a big inspiration to me, contributing to me eventually going down that route myself - I have epilated my scalp for slightly more than two years now.

Laser never really seemed an option due to my natural hair color.

Anyway, feel free to send me a message to exchange a little further on this if you?d like to (I?d love to!).

Offline zetaeffe

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2024, 08:03:54 PM »
First post of a looooooong-time reader only 🙃. It?s only recently that I started to be less paranoid about leaving traces on the internet...

@zetaeffe Just wanted to thank you for posting on here about your experiences with scalp tweezing over the years. You were a big inspiration to me, contributing to me eventually going down that route myself - I have epilated my scalp for slightly more than two years now.

Laser never really seemed an option due to my natural hair color.

Anyway, feel free to send me a message to exchange a little further on this if you?d like to (I?d love to!).

Congratulations!!! Glad to see you got great results and you enjoy it

Online jason_greets

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2024, 03:10:57 AM »
I'm been tempted to try out using tweezers because I used to do it for my facial hair, but it seems so long and painful to do it.

Doing professional waxing seemed like a better alternative, but from what I have been reading it seems so painful and expensive if done monthly.

Part of the reason I went with the bald look was avoiding having to go to the barber every month so I could save money. Waxing monthly seems like would defeat the purpose to me.

I might still try it at least one. I'm curious on what I would look without that dark shadow I get after not shaving for a day.
Bald by Choice since July 2023!  Having hair is overrated.

Offline Semi-Sly

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2024, 11:12:58 AM »
I tried waxing my head, just one time it was difficult even to find a technician who would do it,  I was ready for the pain because I?m regularly have my back and shoulders and other parts of my body waxed so I knew what it would feel like.

The results were good, but it wasn?t a good option for me because he said I would have to let it grow back to at least a quarter of an inch before he could wax it again so that would mean that I don?t really look good for a week or so and then I?d have to go through a month of letting my hair grow before I could get it waxed again and it would look awful for that whole month so I didn?t see the point.

I did try an epilator once, but it was extremely painful. It didn?t seem to get all of the hairs.

But I must say that you guys who posted here recently look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Online jason_greets

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Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Reply #13 on: Today at 12:08:47 PM »
I'm going to buy me a facial hair wax kit this week and try it out Sunday. I'm curious to test it to see if I can get rid off the shadow and not shave as often. I know it's not a permanent solution.
Bald by Choice since July 2023!  Having hair is overrated.


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