Hello everybody. I think it's time for me to continue to the next level. I am thinking either tweezing or waxing since laser it would be ineffective due to the amount of white hair i have. Please feel free to paste any info you have available. And I have a question to anyone who had performed this on the past, have you ever tried to use an anesthetic cream to reduce pain?Thank youP.S.: I am sorry for my English, I am from Greece, and English is my second language.
Hello friend, I spent a quite long time to decide for tweezing and waxing technique, because the information about this hair removal technique is unusual, I have to think about the procedure I would apply, I checked some sites about sugaring, and readed about Traction Alopecia to comprobate if tweezing and waxing are effective, and is true, If you dedicate time for maintenance a permanent baldness will be achieved. Personally I tryed mostly natural ingredients, I used directly hand moved tweezers to diminish the hair density I spent 5 days, them I done the "sugar waxing" and finally the extreme thin hairs I shaved. Was so painful in the beginning, I don´t use any anestesic product, just breathing deeply and taking courage to pluck out, three weeks later I done a second waxing session and no pain of all!!! Actually the waxing maintenance spend only one hour per month and no pain of all, and ocasionally I tweeze the strubles. In eight months to apply this technique, I assume a 40% of my hair was gone forever, every new session is easier than the last before, the remaining hair is growing thinner and sparse, I´m sure monthe later I´ll spend too short time for a long term maintenance. I wish you success, let tweeze and wax your hair, worth the effort, ad you´ll chieve the permanent baldness, the same or better than laser.
Thank you very much.I have recently discovered tweezing, using a simple and cheap epilator.The results are pretty encouraging.I have to admit, that most of the work have been done by laser hair removal I had.I will try to post, my results tomorrow.
First post of a looooooong-time reader only 🙃. It?s only recently that I started to be less paranoid about leaving traces on the internet...@zetaeffe Just wanted to thank you for posting on here about your experiences with scalp tweezing over the years. You were a big inspiration to me, contributing to me eventually going down that route myself - I have epilated my scalp for slightly more than two years now. Laser never really seemed an option due to my natural hair color.Anyway, feel free to send me a message to exchange a little further on this if you?d like to (I?d love to!).
I'm going to buy me a facial hair wax kit this week and try it out Sunday. I'm curious to test it to see if I can get rid off the shadow and not shave as often. I know it's not a permanent solution.