Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
Do you keep track of how many times you use each edge?
I bring my stubble down as far a possible with my electric Braun then finish off with my de. There are blade sharpeners out there however, the blades are so inexpensive that I'd be better off just buying new blades. I do however flip the blade over because it's the scalp oil and dead skin that clogs up the blade and makes it feel dull even when it's not. Got to be careful when cleaning the blade but I usually get a few more shaves out of it.
I use a blade for 3 shaves. That includes both sides. I fill up the razor with soap and flip it over use it again then wash.
I limit myself to 2 shaves per blade. To me it's not worth trying to get more out of it. Blades are so cheap anyway, I could used a new blade everytime I shave but I don't yet. A lot goes into play when shaving in addition to the blade such as: The length of time between shaves.
The shaving lotion or cream used.
Clean or dirty scalp. Etc.
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