Discussions About Being Bald > 30 Day Rule / Beginners Section

Going to try the 30 day trial!

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In the past I have shaved my head 2 different time. Never keeping it for more than a few days before letting my hair grow back. When I'm out and about my eyes always seems to gravitate towards bald heads. So, in light of this I will be going from a full head of hair to a (hopefully shiny) bald head. From my other post I put up choosing to be BBC is more common than I thought, but since I've never been bald long term what do I have to look forward to? Do you guys have any words of advice, or tips and tricks to send my way? 

Years ago, when I decided to go with a buzzcut, I started noticing alot of guys with shaved heads, and thought most of them looked good. The night before the buzzcut, I was having a few beers with my neighbor, who had a fresh headshave that looked great.

Just don't overdo the shaving, it takes a couple weeks for your scalp to adjust to shaving. Also helps to have a good comeback for anyone with a negative opinion.

@reddog I'm going for it. So, now my itch to shave my head can go away 👩‍🦲

Barbero Pelón:
If you think that dudes with bald heads looks cool,is a good sign.

Shave your head and enjoy the smoothness 😎

I've been bald by choice for two years...one of my best decision ever.

My 30 day trial has officially started! Shaved my head after I got home from work. It will be interesting to see the reactions when I go back Thursday (I have tomorrow off).


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