Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head

Sterkowski Hats?

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The hats finally came today (took a little over 2 weeks because of customs).....and I am happy to report they are just as nice as advertised!  My biggest concern was the sizing.....and as soon as I put them on my head, my fears were resolved.....both hats fit perfectly.

They do actually look just as good, if not better, as they appear in the pictures on their website.

I'll try to put a couple pictures up when I have a chance....but I ordered their "Alex" model flat cap:


and one of their navy watch models:


I may actually order a couple more within the next day or two,  since they're actually having a "Black Friday" sale now.

I've never been a "hat guy" other than baseball caps and beanies (for the frigid North Country winters).......but, I think that's about to change. :-)   

(And though I'm also usually a "Buy USA" guy......as a "half-Pol"I love the fact these were made in Poland.  My grandmother would have loved that fact, as well. :-)

@Ozz2012 thanks for letting us know how your purchase went!

Might give Sterkowski hats a chance. I've been looking for a new hat anyway. Does the promo code still work?


--- Quote from: Vandermeulen on January 16, 2020, 05:53:44 AM ---Might give Sterkowski hats a chance. I've been looking for a new hat anyway. Does the promo code still work?

--- End quote ---

Give it a shot


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