Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Stories
Another female reaction
A couple weeks ago, I was at a get-together with some friends. One of the guys is thinning a little, and he expressed a desire to shave his head like me. His girlfriend immediately said "NO!!!" It's funny that I've never had a girl react negatively to my bald head; some have even told me how much they like it. But when their man want to do it, many seem to object, claiming he has a funny-shaped head or something like that.
Significant others and mothers seem to be the biggest objectors to a man shaving his head before he does it.
--- Quote from: Tyler on September 30, 2019, 10:42:11 AM ---Significant others and mothers seem to be the biggest objectors to a man shaving his head before he does it.
--- End quote ---
exactly true. the 1st day I showed up at my mom's house shaved bald, she freaked. it's ironic because she saw my hair loss PLUS my old man is bald.
Very true, when I was considering a short buzzcut, my s/o at the time was totally against it, but finally agreed to a one time buzzcut. I didn't like the buzzcut,so I ended up shaving my head. That same day, after the initial shock, she said she loved it, and said I should keep it shaved bald.
After a couple days, most people get used to your new hairstyle, and accept it.
Ladies tend to not like to see a change in their man - unless they initiate it. Once the change is done, and they have time to adjust, most are good with it. Ladies a guy meets after shaving will normally like it. Of course, there are some ladies that just do not like shaved heads, just as some do not like beards, tattoos, or piercings, etc. They have a picture of their "perfect" man in their head and dislike any guy that does not meet the expectation.
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