Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Safety Razor Head Shaving
Sweyn Forkbeard: Thor's Hammer DE Razor Review
I recently purchased a new DE razor by Sweyn Forkbeard from the Covent St Markets in London. Initially attracted by the look and feel of the razor, it is great value at GBP 25
It is a beautiful looking razor and it feels great in the hand. This one is a bit heavier than my other DE razor but I like the weight of it. The short handle works well for head shaving, especially when doing the back of the head. There is plenty of grip due to the knurling on the handle. There was no slipping even with wet, cream-covered hands.
I used a Derby blade as I wasn't willing to risk a Feather in a brand new razor. I also used Proraso tube cream as I don't yet have a bowl and brush. Seems to work well for me so far.
I took it really slow and careful. I got away with fewer passes than I'd normally take with a DE razor (I had about two days growth on the head). The WTG pass didn't really seem to achieve much. ATG felt quite 'scrappey' in some areas; like there was more friction than normal. Not sure why as my lather was the same as usual for a DE shave. I was very cautious here and ensured that I never went over areas of the head that didn't have good lather. Regardless of the above, two passes and it was pretty much completed. I took fewer clean-up passes than I normally would.
No nicks on the head and only a few really small ones on the face. No irritation afterwards which was a relief.
It's now been 13 hrs since shave and my dome is still almost BBS. I love that about DE razors; they just seem to give a way better shave that lasts longer.
I'm no expert in DE razors but I rate this one highly based on my experience so far. It looks and feels wonderful and the shave was first-class.
It looks pretty awesome!
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