Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head
Summer is coming and it's time for sunscreen
Now that spring is here and summer is approaching, it's time to be diligent about wearing sunscreen. One of the best ways to do this is to wear a daily moisturizer with SPF of 15 or higher. So, what is the best sunscreen for a shaved head?
When people ask, I recommend the following:
1) BeeBald Smooth
2) CeraVe
3) Neutrogena Clear Face
Which sunscreen do you prefer to use?
Barbero Pelón:
Everything from Nivea works for me.
I use Neutrogena sheer mist spray
I really like Jack Black Double-Duty face moisturizer, SPF 20. It's a bit pricey, unfortunately.
--- Quote from: JohnRa on May 01, 2019, 06:43:38 AM ---I really like Double-Duty face moisturizer, SPF 20. It's a bit pricey, unfortunately.
--- End quote ---
don't leave home without it! seriously, no baldie can afford sun-damaged skin. too risky!
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