Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving
What blades can be used with the HeadBlade?
There are 3 main adapters for the HeadBlade:
Yellow Adapter (HB2/HB3):
Gillette Double and Triple blades
Gillette Atra Blades and Atra Plus (USA)
Any blade that says they are compatible with Gillette Atra razors.
Link: http://www.headblade.com/product/91206.html
This adapter will work with the HeadBlade Original, Sport, ATX & MOTO models.
Black Adapter (Sensor Adapter):
Gillette Sensor and Sensor Excel
Gillette Sensor Triple blades
Gillette Double and Triple blades
Any blade that is compatible with Gillette Sensor razors
Link: http://www.headblade.com/product/SENSOR_ADAPTOR.html
This adapter will work with the HeadBalde Original, Sport, ATX & MOTO models.
HB4/HB6 Adapter:
This adapter is only for the HeadBlade brand blades and works on the ATX and MOTO Models.
Link: http://www.headblade.com/product/HB4-6_ADAPTOR.html
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