Author Topic: Don't mind being bald but hate to shave every day and can't stand the stubble  (Read 8012 times)

Offline Semi-Sly

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If I am gong to shave my head I want my dome to be as PERFECT and beautiful as my flattop was!  i want people to look at my gleaming dome with pure envy!

Unlike many of you guys I just hate having to shave every day.  I just don't like the time it takes or having to try to reach behind my head an hold the razor just so, etc.  But,  if I don't shave every day the stubble spoils the look and feel of a nice clean head! 

My hair has already turned grey or would laser it in a heartbeat!  I had my back and other body parts lasered years ago while my hair still had color and I am so glad that I did!  I regret not having gone ahead and had my head lasered while I still had some color

So tonight I tried using an epilator.  A lot of guys have said that if they do it monthly for a year the hairs get very fine and they can go days without shaving.  Doing the top was not too painful but oh the sides!!!  I will wait to do the sides until I have more time and some ice packs!

I then shaved the back and sides with my new Omnishaver.  Oh Man - I have NEVER GOTTEN SUCH A SMOOTH SHAVE  and I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN SUCH A FAST SHAVE before.

I think that with regular epilation and  great tool like the omnishaver I might be able to keep up with this and have a perfectly smooth head shaving only twice a week or so

Offline Barbero Pelón

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I dont now why everyone is complaining about the shaving so relaxing and fun.

Offline slybeard

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@Semi-Sly I know after many years of shaving it can get old.  I have now backed off and only shave every other day or so, but I also like the stubble free smooth feel.  When I am not pressed for time, though, I still enjoy giving myself a smooth shave.  I would think as a barber you would actually like shaving.  Does it have more to do with your shoulder issues?  If a guy comes to your barber chair and asks for a head shave, do you enjoy that, or is it just part of the job?

Offline Barbero Pelón

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@slybeard  is making the right questions 👌

I'm not a barber,but I would like to shave another head other than mine.

Offline Semi-Sly

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@Semi-Sly I know after many years of shaving it can get old.  I have now backed off and only shave every other day or so, but I also like the stubble free smooth feel.  When I am not pressed for time, though, I still enjoy giving myself a smooth shave.  I would think as a barber you would actually like shaving.  Does it have more to do with your shoulder issues?  If a guy comes to your barber chair and asks for a head shave, do you enjoy that, or is it just part of the job?

No, While I do not enjoy giving face shaves, (because they are tricky and time consuming), I do enjoy shaving a guys' head; especially if it is his first time and I can help him see just how good he can look.  BuT I don't like shaving my own head or face because:

1. My disability makes it impossible for me to hold my head upright or to tilt it back at all.  And,it is very painful to even try to get my head back enough to shave my neck.
2.  I have had three shoulder surgeries in the past three years and I just cannot get my arms to go up, over and in back of my head very well.
3.  Like any other profession, what barber wants to cut his own hair or shave his own head when the rest of the world gets to have someone else do this for them? It is kind of like the auto mechanic's car is always the last to get serviced; the house painter's house is always in need of attention; and no chef want's to come home after a hard night's work and have to cook his own meal?

Offline TomF

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I have been sly for the past 4 months. It has been refreshing. However, those around me are still not use to the look. I look in the mirror and I don't recognize the person I am looking at. I do not know when that thought goes away. I am only at a Norwood 2 scale of hair loss. I do not like the time it takes to shave and with dark brown hair my shadow shows up around 3 or 4pm. At the end of month two of being sly I tried out the epilator near the temples. It was painful and only did 1/4”. The epilator did work. Only about 20% grew back in those particular areas. Now that I realize the permanent effect of doing this strategy I will probably wait 2 or 3 years until I go any further till i confidently love the bald look. Like I said earlier, I still find it strange to look at myself in a mirror. I researched numbering cream to help with the pain of an epilator. I found this. I have not tried it but looks very promising. GREENCAINE BLAST Numbing Cream for laser hair removal for women and men topical anesthetic lidocaine 4% gel 4 Oz. (113 grams) large tube for repeat treatments. MADE IN USA.

Offline chrisphilly123

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I dont now why everyone is complaining about the shaving so relaxing and fun.
After a decade++ I'm tired of the time it takes, especially weekday mornings and I haven't had coffee.

I do admit it's 'fun' Sunday morning when I'm not rushed to leave the house and get 100% cue ball smooth.  LOL

Offline Razor X

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I don’t find shaving burdensome at all.  It only takes a few minutes.

Offline reddog

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No doubt it does take some effort, especially if you just have to have your head BBS every day. For me, it's worth the effort to look super sharp, and have that perfectly smooth head.

Most people could go 3 or 4 days without shaving and still appear to have a shaved head. But I want it BBS daily.
Bald by choice, and loving it!

Offline Barbero Pelón

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  • If doesn't shine,you're not really BALD.
I dont now why everyone is complaining about the shaving so relaxing and fun.
After a decade++ I'm tired of the time it takes, especially weekday mornings and I haven't had coffee.

I do admit it's 'fun' Sunday morning when I'm not rushed to leave the house and get 100% cue ball smooth.  LOL

Every smooth shave feels like a tiny victory.

Offline jason_greets

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I don't mind shaving it.  I just wish I didn't have to shave AS often, like just once a week.  I have to shave everyday otherwise my head feels like sandpaper after 24 hours.
Bald by Choice since July 2023!  Having hair is overrated.