Author Topic: My 24 y/o twin sons are losing their hair  (Read 4733 times)

Offline chrisphilly123

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Re: My 24 y/o twin sons are losing their hair
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2019, 10:30:03 PM »
So, my 24 year old twin sons are both losing their hair one is already lost his crown and has pretty good recession on the Temple areas. Want is hell-bent on having hair transplants and using drugs the other is just some walk in denial and unfortunately neither had a good example of dealing with hair loss from their father, although I have certainly been trying for the past 4 months neither one of them want to lose their hair I've said everything I know to say. Any opinions or advice would be welcomed.
I'm not qualified to give you advice on this because I never had kids. That said, my old man went bald young and prob realized I was going to follow in his genetics. He never pushed me and would have supported my choice in dealing with hair loss.

After I shaved, he did seem kind of relieved. I guess in his book, I 'maned' up as he did. On the other hand, my mom was upset while I was loosing my hair and upset once it was gone. She could never hold back her opinion.

Best to your kids and their choices.

Moms never want their little boys to grow up.  Loosing hair, shaving, and growing facial hair are all reminders that their little boy is no longer, and never will be again, a little boy.
true that,  re: moms.


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