Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Miscellaneous

Scalp Tweezing 101 - Advanced

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Laser Man:
Amazing results! Congrats on having the patience and fortitude to do it.  Who helped you do it? How long did it take to do a complete job at first and did you do it all in one sitting?

Good to hear from you Laser Man!  Appreciate your comments.  There is some detail in Scalp Tweezing but when I started there was not a lot of information on how to do it.  In a nutshell I did it all myself.  There are no barbers that I have been able to find who do it.  Why would they-  They would loose a customer.  My first scalp tweeze took about 4-5 days.  Did it while on vacation.  After many attempts in using the epilator like a regular razor, realized I was doing it wrong so I did some research.  I didn’t invent anything, but used the natural balding process as a guide.  The Norwood scale of baldness created for men years ago.  First I found my hair which was a Class 2.  I used that as a guide over the next few days.

I created small bald spots and work outward on the head slowly.  First goal was creating a 2A-3A bald forehead.  Removing strips of hair at a slow pace enlarging the bald area.  At the same time I created a small bald spot on the crown to start the Class 3V-5.  Alternating to give parts of my scalp a rest.  Working myself to a Norwood 7.  Taking breaks as needed.  Basically, I used the MPB Norwood scale to keep it uniform and on track to being completely bald. That way I could go out at anytime during the process and it looked liked a natural stage of MPB until it was all gone.  I do want to say that I still shave my head.  Although my hair is 99% gone I do still maintain a modest MPB horeshoe fringe on my neck and around my ears that I can shave like all guys with extreme MPB.  That is the hair that I remove with regular monthly Scalp tweezing.  But I still can grow that fringe out. But a good head shave without hair is still refreshing, removing dead skin and keeping my bald head clean and healthy.  My head shines up much better too.

Just wanted to add, having realized I gave a lot of detail, and some men might say I want try it. I do want to advise and not so much caution guys not to scalp tweeze unless you truly want to be MP bald.  It is like getting a tattoo.  It will be permanent MPB with regular scalp tweezing.  And, a permanent skin slick bald head looks great and natural on most men but for mother nature’s reasons not as good on few others (i.e. head shape, ability to grow a full beard, skin tone etc.- Topics addressed by bald men very well on SBG).  My thought is that if you have a “different” head shape you probably have full head of hair and may look not as good as other naturally bald men.  You can reveal that by shaving your head and say nah, need to grow it back.  But I believe a lot of that is not thinking it looks good, it’s just getting used to be bald and commitment to the 30-day rule.

Final results of regular scalp tweezing will be a permanent Norwood 7 (plus) MPB once you pass that point of no return and your hair stops growing back. But, I assure you that I still enjoy shaving my head and all those bald men grooming products.

Congratulations about your achievements! I've bee tweezing my whole scalp since 2006 and me too am at the 99% bald scalp stage and loving it!! was a big effort but am happy I went for it!

Barbero Pelón:
So, is possible to go permanently bald with tweezing.


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