Confidence and Success > How to Build Confidence
Looking into cranio for bad headshape
Its not really the lenght of my head thats bothering me its just that its not symetrical its rounder on the right side then the left side i dont think a longer beard will help me much also i'm somewhat to small skinny and young for a large beard dont wanna look 20 years older 😅
Bro, try smiling! Seriously, you have a slim face but so what, you look good. It's amazing how much a smile can change how you look completely. Take a few photos with a few big smiles or cheesy grins. A good smile projects confidence and it can completely change your own view of yourself but you just gotta accept that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your head. Some of us have fat heads, some slim, we're all different and we can't all look like Rock or Vin Diesel :D
I know we all have different kind of shapes but an asymetrical bald shape is somewhat different then a small or big head. 😔 I feel like a monster
@vinnievandall, you look great, yes there is a mark at the top of your head but you are unique, your own person. Your head looks great shaved, you rock the look
--- Quote from: Dragon on December 24, 2018, 02:46:24 AM ---@vinnievandall, you look great, yes there is a mark at the top of your head but you are unique, your own person. Your head looks great shaved, you rock the look
--- End quote ---
Do you mean the scar or the point from my head? My english isnt that great sorry 😅
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