Confidence and Success > Relationships/Dating
How Can I Convince my Boyfriend to Shave?
You can suggest he give shaving a try . But don’t push the issue, it might not be something he’s willing to try.
Then, I guess I'll suggest it one more time and if he says no I'll hint at it once in a while. I wish he would try it at least once and if he didn't like it I'd drop it. But I think once he makes the change he'll wish he had done it sooner. I just have to help him get there and see that it's no big deal. After all, he has no one to impress but me lol
Don't push it. You might think it is only you but he is probably concerned about friends, workmates etc and how they might react. Softly, softly and he will probably come round.
Yes, this is a concern of mine, probably the biggest reason I would like for him to go through with it. I have seen and heard people sort of pick on him for it, I know they are guys and think it's a bit of banter, but no way does he find it funny. I know it'll be a big confidence booster. Like I said, I would prefer it gone, but I know better than to be pushy about it. I would just like to hint at it subtly and help him feel like it's not something to be afraid of. Heck, I'd cut all my hair off if it made him feel better.
Perhaps casually drop it in while playing with his hair 'honey have you ever thought about shaving your hair. I think you'd look hot, like Bruce Willis'
It's his decision alone. He likely has fears so work to allay those fears by saying how hot he'd look, how he has a nice shaped head, how it would suit his face etc. But don't push or bring it up again if he says no. Let him come around.
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